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Hi, I've found tons of different scripts for metering the progress of uploading files and I can see how that would require the loads of scripts that come with it and configurations neccessary...


The thing is though, I am inserting thousands of rows into a database from the file that I uploaded, which can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes or more... thanks to help from the php forums, I have decided the best solution is AJAX,...


I have the total amount of rows in the file, done by a pre-query... That is done before the actual loop of populating the db with the file contents... which is done like so...

$total_count = 0;
$handle = fopen($_POST['file_name'], "r");
while (($fields = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$total_count -= 1; // Minus 1 for the file header
mysql_query("UPDATE insertion_counter SET total_count = '$total_count' WHERE counter_id = '1'");


And in the loop that is actually populating the db with the file contents, I have it also updating the insertion_counter table with the current row that it is on, like so...

$row_counter = 0;
$handle = fopen($_POST['file_name'], "r");
while (($fields = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) { 
    if ($row_counter == 1) { // First row header removed. 
                                }    else    {
$products_inserted_counter = $row_counter - 1;   
mysql_query("UPDATE insertion_counter SET current_count = '$products_inserted_counter' WHERE counter_id = '1'");


So now that I have both values, that I can call like so...

$results = mysql_query("SELECT current_count, total_count FROM insertion_counter WHERE counter_id = '1'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
        $current_count = $row[current_count];
        $total_count = $row[total_count];
if ($total_count != 0) {
$percent_complete = number_format($current_count / $total_count,2);
$percent_complete *= 100;


Isn't there a simple way to use that with AJAX for a meter or something?

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If you are saying you have to code to check the progress at any time, and it won't interfere with your large file that is being uploaded/inserted to the database, what's the issue?


So now that I have both values, that I can call like so...

$results = mysql_query("SELECT current_count, total_count FROM insertion_counter WHERE counter_id = '1'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
        $current_count = $row[current_count];
        $total_count = $row[total_count];
if ($total_count != 0) {
$percent_complete = number_format($current_count / $total_count,2);
$percent_complete *= 100;


If you set this bit of code in it's own file or whatever, you could just add the line

print $percent_complete;


Using this concept of yours, I made a 'not so simple' CSS graph using styling from http://applestooranges.com/blog/post/css-for-bar-graphs/?id=55.


Example is here: http://xtopolis.com/temp/ (wait 3 seconds for it to start)

My math isn't accurate, I know this, but it's 1am, and you get the jist of it.


Download files: http://xtopolis.com/temp/ajax_graph.rar

^--I broke it down into each piece so you could see it.


-Updater.php: outputs the current time in seconds, with a little manipulation for no leading 0s.

-Updater.js: Calls the same function every 3 seconds with 2 arguments (target IDs to change)

  + Creates the XMLHttpRequestObject as xHRO

  + Calls updater.php

  + Takes the output and updates the <span> and <strong> tags.  It also updates the <strong> tags innerHTML.

  + The graph div is 120px wide, so I multiply the 'seconds' output by 2 to make it accurate, and easier to see.

-index.css: delicious styles

-index.html: i wonder.

It looks great, but the only thing I can't figure out is how to integrate my "print $percent_complete;" value into your code... I tried this...


  $s = Date('s');
  if(substr($s,0,1) == 0)
    $s = substr($s,1,1);
  print $s;
include_once "../connection.php";
$results = mysql_query("SELECT current_count, total_count FROM insertion_counter WHERE counter_id = '1'");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
        $current_count = $row[current_count];
        $total_count = $row[total_count];
if ($total_count != 0) {
$percent_complete = number_format($current_count / $total_count,2);
$percent_complete *= 100;
print $percent_complete;


Where that updates the graph value, it breaks the timer... I don't see where the function calls for both values, the timer value and the percentage value...

Example Files


You will have to change the database query and connection in progress.php and test.php(if you use it, i just had it insert into my db to test it) to match your own again.  This should be a clearer example using your code of how to view progress and apply it.  Remember it will show 0% until a certain amount of records have been entered (depending on your total).

I copied/modified a mysql database class from a book I bought on PHP/MYSQL (Sitepoint)


The class is this:

You instantiate it via:



class MYSQL {

  var $host;
  var $user;
  var $pass;
  var $dbname;
  var $dbConn;

  function MYSQL($host,$user,$pass,$dbname)
    //assign vars to local vars
    $this->host = $host;
    $this->user = $user;
    $this->pass = $pass;
    $this->dbname = $dbname;
    //connect to DB
  //Connect to DB
  function Connect()
    if(!$this->dbConn = @mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass)) {
      trigger_error("Could not connect to Database.");
    //select db
    if (!@mysql_select_db($this->dbname)) {
      trigger_error("Could not select Database");
  function &query($sql)
    if (!$queryResource = mysql_query($sql, $this->dbConn)) {
      trigger_error("Query Failed: " . mysql_error($this->dbConn));
      return $queryResource;
function checkExistsOne($sql)
	if (!$queryResource = mysql_query($sql, $this->dbConn)) {
		trigger_error("Query Failed: " . mysql_error($this->dbConn));
	$howmany = mysql_num_rows($queryResource);

		return $howmany;

}//mysql class



If it's still not working, tell me WHAT part isn't working, not that it still isn't working...

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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