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[SOLVED] Tryin' a Little Trick


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I'm trying to do an interesting page thing so that I can do multiple pages for listings. Here's my current code:


$pageNumber = $_GET['page'];
$parsedNumber = 1;

if($pageNumber == '')
	$pageNumber = 1;

foreach(glob('*.jpg') as $picFileJPG)
			while((($pageNumber*20)-19)<= $parsedNumber && ($pageNumber*20)>= $parsedNumber)
				$simplePicName = substr_replace($picFileJPG,'',-4);

				if($tableRowNumber == 1)
					echo '<td>';
					echo '<table>';

				echo '<tr>';
				echo '<td>';
				echo '<a href="'.$baseURL.'viewPic.php?pID='.$picFileJPG.'">'.$simplePicName.'</a>';
				echo '</td>';
				echo '</tr>';

				if($tableRowNumber == 10)
					echo '</table>';
					echo '</td>';

					$tableRowNumber = 1;




Now, I'm trying to get it to do the following:


On page 1:    List first 20 results (result 1-21)

On page 2:    List second 20 results (result 21-40)

On page 3:    List third 20 results (result 41-60)


But right now, it seems to be cycling through printing the first result OVER AND OVER AND OVER. What am I missing here? I'm incrementing $parsedResult every time...



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Thats a previous variable; Here is the full source file:



$cookiePassword = $_COOKIE['pMD5'];
$pageNumber = $_GET['page'];
$parsedNumber = 1;

if($pageNumber == '')
	$pageNumber = 1;

	echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
	echo 'window.location = "'.$baseURL.'login.php"';
	echo '</script>';

if($cookiePassword != $encryptedPass)
	setcookie("pMD5", "", time()-1);

	echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
	echo 'window.location = "'.$baseURL.'error.php"';
	echo '</script>';

	// For tracking the number of rows that have been filled in any certain table
	$tableRowNumber = 1;

	echo '<center>';
	echo '<table>';
	echo '<tr>';

		foreach(glob('*.jpg') as $picFileJPG)
			while((($pageNumber*20)-19)<= $parsedNumber && ($pageNumber*20)>= $parsedNumber)
				$simplePicName = substr_replace($picFileJPG,'',-4);

				if($tableRowNumber == 1)
					echo '<td>';
					echo '<table>';

				echo '<tr>';
				echo '<td>';
				echo '<a href="'.$baseURL.'viewPic.php?pID='.$picFileJPG.'">'.$simplePicName.'</a>';
				echo '</td>';
				echo '</tr>';

				if($tableRowNumber == 10)
					echo '</table>';
					echo '</td>';

					$tableRowNumber = 1;



	echo '</table>';
	echo '</td>';
	echo '</tr>';
	echo '</table>';
	echo '</center>';




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Ok, let me refine the parts of my problem. Once I add the following, it starts listing the same thing over and over:


$pageNumber = $_GET['page'];
$parsedNumber = 1;

if($pageNumber == '')
	$pageNumber = 1;

while((($pageNumber*20)-19)<= $parsedNumber && ($pageNumber*20)>= $parsedNumber)
// Here's where it does stuff that you guys don't need to worry about, since it works



Do not worry about the rest of it; I've tested it, and I can guarantee that it works the way I want it to.




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Shouldn't it be though? Lets say the user enters "site.php?page=2". In this case, it would never show anything, because it would never cycle up to the number needed to start echoing the results. Basically, it needs to increment every time it does a foreach loop.




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The problem with that is: say $pageNumber = 1 and $parsedNumber = 1

neither of them change when they are in the while loop, so the condition is always true, so the loop never ends.


while((($pageNumber*20)-19)<= $parsedNumber && ($pageNumber*20)>= $parsedNumber)

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