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Hi there,


i think this will be an easy one for you lot but i just can't seem to get my head around it. I got a message database on my project. So a user receives messages from other user's just like an email system. Currently i have a delete button next to each message as it is output from the database using a while loop. Now the propblem with this is, if you have got 40 messages you have to click delete 40 times. I want it so that theres a tick box next to each message so u can mark the messages you would like to delete and click a single delete button at the top to delete all of the marked messages. Is this easy? most email messaging systems have it so i suppose its do able, i just dont know how. Also could i place a tick box at the so the user could click this and it would mark all messages on this page??



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this should help...


switch(@$_GET["action"]) {
case "delete";
  foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $'recordID'){
    delete mysql here
html boxes in yoru loop
<form action="?action=delete">
<input class=\"blank\" name=\"checkbox[]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkbox[]\" value=\"".$row['recordID']." \">

well in your loop of the records



echo "<input class="blank\" name=\"checkbox[]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkbox[]\" value=\"".$row['recordID']." \">"


this will put a checkbox next to each of the rows, the value of these checkboxes must be set to the vlaue of the the record id


then have all of yoru records inside a form with the action set to "?action=delte" you may want to add a php self script in here


then using the case slected method


switch(@$_GET["action"]) {
case "delete";
  foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $'recordID'){
    mysql_query("Delete From tblNAME WHERE ID='".$'recordID'."'") or die(mysql_error());


the code will loop through all checkboxes that are ticked take the ids from them and delete them

So would i put a delete button at the top hyperlinked to say delete.php and in that script include...


switch(@$_GET["action"]) {
case "delete";
  foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $'recordID'){
    mysql_query("Delete From tblNAME WHERE ID='".$'recordID'."'") or die(mysql_error());


...is that right?



Ive put the checkbox in for every message output in my while loop. I don't quite understand what the lad above is saying (although i do really appreciate your help). Im not sure what i shoudl be setting as the attributes on his line of code or what to do to create the delete button/link that wil delete the selected messages.


Can anyone help??

	echo "<table>\n";       
        echo "<tr><th>Message ID</th><th>Subject</th><th>Delete</th></tr>\n"; 
        while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($messages)) 
			printf("<tr><td align='center' width='100'><font face='arial'><font color='#648CC8'>%s</font></td>\n", 

			printf("<td>%s</td>\n", $row["subject"]); 

				printf("<td align='center' cellpadding='10' width='60'><input class='blank' name='checkbox[]' type='checkbox' id='checkbox[]' value='".$row['recordID']." '></td></tr>"); 

         echo "</table>\n"; 


and now im not sure where to put the delete or what to set

here you go


have a look at what ive added and you should be able to figure out how it works



switch(@$_GET["action"]) {
Case "delete":
  foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $RecordID){
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM tablename WHERE RecordID='$RecordID'") or die(mysql_error());
echo 'records delteed';

echo '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?action=delete">'."\n";
	echo "<table>\n";       
        echo "<tr><th>Message ID</th><th>Subject</th><th>Delete</th></tr>\n"; 
        while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($messages)) 
			printf("<tr><td align='center' width='100'><font face='arial'><font color='#648CC8'>%s</font></td>\n", 

			printf("<td>%s</td>\n", $row["subject"]); 

				printf("<td align='center' cellpadding='10' width='60'><input class='blank' name='checkbox[]' type='checkbox' id='checkbox[]' value='".$row['recordID']." '></td></tr>"); 

	 echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><input type="submit" value="Delete these records" />'."\n";
         echo "</table>\n"; 
echo "</form>\n"; 

this instead


next to you acttion you had ''' needed to be "'


echo "<br>";
echo '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?action=delete">';
echo "<table width='100%' border='2' bordercolor='#cccccc' style='border-collapse: collapse' cellpadding='5' align=center >\n";       

well where this code is swap tablename for you table name if you havent already done


does the mysql output any errors when you press the submit button?


Case "delete":
  foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $RecordID){
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM tablename WHERE RecordID='$RecordID'") or die(mysql_error());
echo 'records delteed';

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