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[SOLVED] Check previous function


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I have an ajax function which works like this


open_url('page_to_sript', 'div_id_to_send_value_result_to');



Works fine, however, I have this function



LINE 1: open_url('page.php', 'populate');

LINE 2: document.getElementById('div_row').innerHTML = '<textarea id="populate"></textarea>';


Again, this works. However, if the ajax reuqest takes 3 seconds to get the data, that textarea remains visible and blank

for 3 seconds



What can I do to say only process LINE 2 after open_url function has fully completed. I dont really want to add anything

into open_url function, if possible

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change line1 and line2?

Thats the whole point, it will just move onto the next function before waiting until the previous has finished execution


If possible. this probably shouldn't be written until sessionstate==4


document.getElementById('div_row').innerHTML = '<textarea id="populate"></textarea>';


I really need a way to do this outside of my open_url function, as I use this so many times and dont really want go pile it up with code instances which apply for one bespoke feature of the site


I need it outside of the function as demonstrated in my first post, if its at all possible?

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I cant put anything bespoke to one function I need in the ajax function as this is a globally used function


I need it to work as ive explained above, otherwise I am going to end up with x amount of statements in that function


Can this be done in the way Ive explained above?

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