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I am currently working on some code that sorts through a list of things and compares it to a list of other things in three different lists.  The sort structure is


for each of the different lists

> for each item in list a to compare to list x

> > While there are matches as govered by the SQL Statement, display


the problem is this leads to having the same record in list x repeated multiple times, and i would like to avoid that.  I have tried this code:


									while ($newarray = mysqli_fetch_array($objrs_support, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
										for($j=0; $j<sizeof($known_sids); $j++) {
												echo $j;
												if ($known_sids[$j] == $newarray['ruat_tsa_sid'] ) {
														echo "looping j ".$j;
														// We already added this guy to the list, do not add again
														echo "Repeat Customer, Do not add them again<br>";
													else {
														echo "new j ".$j;
														$known_sids[$j] = $newarray['ruat_tsa_sid'];


When i try this i get an error "Cannot use a scalar value as an array in " which i am sure it is because i am attempting to do a for loop in an array that keeps changing size.  How do i block a repeat ID from being displayed across the x number of lists?


The intent here was to have $known_sids keep a list of known IDs across all of the different lists and compare a new result to those in the list, if the new ID matched one in the array then dont display it.


Help, please

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U can have an array which will contains displayed list. When u wan to display any id, check that array first or u can pull the distinct data from the database. hope this will help u.


What i tried last night was to store all of the IDs in an array and then remove the duplicates from the array, then you have to reopen a connection to the database to loop through the array.  That adds time to the process and is not ideal.


I do not see how i can check to see if the ID is already in the array, and if it is not to display the row in one step.


what i want is a way to prevent a row that already has been shown from being displayed again.

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