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Query string question


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How is it that you get one page, say index.php, to contain content for multiple pages. Like - index.php?mode=register or index.php?mode=edit ... that being an example, I hope somebody see's what I'm getting at here. But how does a page use $_GET[''] based on the contents of the query string to determine what part of a page to display if it's all on one page?

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when you use $_GET['variablename']  it retrieves the value for you from the URL.

so as in your example: the URL = index.php?mode=register

$a = $_GET['mode'];


Now you use that variable in a switch statement and use it to call your includes.


switch $a {

   case "register":
   case "edit":
   case default:


you would setup all these pages to be the content of your site.

and put the above code at the top of your page.


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Instead of making a new topic I thought I would continue in this one.


I'm getting this error with the following code, and I don't see any problem with it, hopefully somebody else will.


Error: Parse error: parse error, expecting `'('' in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\timetech\install.php on line 110



mysql_close($mysql_connect) or die(mysql_error());
} else if { // this is line 110
	header("Location: install.php?mode=delete");

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if (isset($_GET['p'])){
        if (valalpha($_GET['p'],1,255) AND (file_exists("ing/". $_GET['p'] . ".php"))){include("ing/". $_GET['p'] . ".php");} else{include("ing/news.php");}
     } ELSE { include("ing/news.php"); }


im using this script for that...

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grimmier, your get example works, but I don't want it to keep the same page content up after a new query string is brought up, but instead take away what's there and just show the new include file without the old page... is this possible?

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yeah you can do that, just recall the page and change your variables witin the url. if you want to keep the same function for all of your pages.


i have some other examples of this floating around. but its 3:30am here now and i can't think straight anymore.


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I hear you there, I'm surprised I'm in the mood to learn anything at 2:45 am :|


Well I think I'm going to continue this tomorrow, going to hit the hay and call it a night.


Thanks for all your help! :)

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