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use php to check email inbox for certain subject, then save attatchment?

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so you want to download the attachement after matching subjects right?


try this:


$mbox = imap_open($mail_server, $mail_box, $password);
$count = imap_num_msg($mbox);
for($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
   $obj = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $index);
   $string_to_find = 'look for text here';
   // change the if for the search algo you want
   if($string_to_find == imap_utf8($obj->subject)) {
      // put your code here to dl the attachments


when dl the attachments... you need to be aware of the encodings and the different ways attaching files. it seems that different mail clients uses different ways of attaching of files.


just check the rest of the imap functions: http://php.net/imap

ill just give you the idea how it is:


first, you need to check the structure of the mail. from here you will know which part of the message is the attachment.


second, get the attachement (you may do this repeatedly since there could be multiple attachments).


third, determine the type of attachment you are dealing with.


fourth, use the proper encoding before saving.


fifth, save the file based on the name of the file.

you need imap_fetchstructure() to check to check if it is an attachment (and its encoding).


if it is, you need imap_fetchbody() to get the attachment and to store it into a variable..


then write it in your server.


there you go... i hope this is clearer now... i was thinking that you should do this yourself but i guess am bit generous this time :D.


happy programming!!! God bless!





Thanks. I've tried a million things and I REALLY appreciate your help


eheh :D.


here is a more in-depth look:


once you get imao_fetchstructure(), it returns a lot of info. what you need are:


say you have, $info = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $item);


foreach($info->parts as $part) {
   // this checks if its an attachment
   if ($part->disposition == "attachment" || $part->disposition == "inline") {
       // get the filename
       $filename = $part->dparameters[0]->value;

       // retrieve the data here
       // using imap_fetchbody()


so how was it?

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