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using include() with GET variables


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I have a php file named "include.php" which contains the following code:

echo $_GET['name'];


If I go to http://myserver.com/include.php?name=ryan I get a page that contains the text "ryan".


I also have another page named "main.php" which has the following code:

echo "The name is: ";
include ("http://myserver.com/include.php?name=ryan");
echo ".";


I would expect the output of this page to be "The name is ryan.". However, I get nothing.


I'm pretty sure this is because I am using the include() function incorrectly. What function should I use?

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echo "The name is: ";
include ("http://myserver.com/include.php?name=ryan");
echo ".";


I would expect the output of this page to be "The name is ryan.". However, I get nothing.


include ("http://myserver.com/include.php?name=ryan");


does it really work fine? i haven't tried such feat.

anyway, why would you do that for? i don't find any good reason for printing a name from another script while passing a parameter inside include() itself.


what is it that you are trying to achieve, may i know?

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You don't need the ?name=ryan in the include.


I do. Without it, the include.php page won't have anything to process.


does it really work fine? i haven't tried such feat.

anyway, why would you do that for? i don't find any good reason for printing a name from another script while passing a parameter inside include() itself.


It doesn't work fine, that's the problem.

The code I posted is a simplified example of what I am trying to do. In reality, the include.php file actually takes an e-mail address as in put, converts it to hex code, and outputs it in the form of a JavaScript document.write command. This is all so that when a robot views the source code of a page, it won't be able to pick out the mailto links and spam them.

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GET variables come from a URL.


so go to: http://mysite.com/main.php?name=ryan


then just include "include.php". you don't need the ?name=ryan in the include.


yeah. since you got the name as get in the current page, why not create a function inside "include.php" that do such a feat. then just call it with that parameter and then returns whatever value you desire.

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The posted code works (just tested) provided the php.ini settings allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include are on.


Is there a reason you are including using a URL instead of directly through a file system path?


However, I get nothing.
If you are literally getting nothing (a blank page), your actual code probably has a fatal parse or a fatal runtime error. Are you developing and testing your code on a system that has full php error_reporting set (E_ALL) and display_errors turned on?



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