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[SOLVED] still having trouble with function


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hi heres my function


function paragraphs($data) {
strip_tags($data, "<p>");
if(substr($data, 0,3) == '<p>' && substr($data, -4) == '</p>') {
$data = substr($data, 3);
$data = substr($data, 0, -4);
$data = str_replace("<br /><br />","</p><p>",$data);
$data = str_replace("<br />","",$data);
$data = str_replace("<p>","</p><p>",$data);
$data = str_replace("</p></p><p>","</p><p>",$data);
$data = str_replace("</p><p></p><p>","</p><p>",$data);




$Brief = paragraphs($_POST["txtBrief"]);


and the result is


<p class="MsoNormal"><span color="#000000">Vivergo Fuels Ltd is a new company created to build and operate a wheat to bioethanol production facility based at the BP site, Saltend, <place w:st="on" />East Yorkshire</place />. <p /></span></p><p /><p />


my form field is using a wysiwyg editor but that shouldnt affect the function that runs after the text is posted should it?


the striptags function is supposed to strip all but <p> tags how is it letting all that through?



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just checking out the strip tags function


$data ='<p>testing <a href="dog">dig</a> <span>sausages</span></p><br /> doggy ';
strip_tags($data, "<p></p>");
echo $data;


that should output :<p> testing dig sausages </p>doggy


it outputted: <p>testing <a href="dog">dig</a> <span>sausages</span></p><br /> doggy


this mean the strip_tags function doesnt work on my host?



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echoing it works...


but i wont be able to use that function will as i want to remove the first and last <p> tags


i need a way to put the new echoed data into a variable so i can strip those first and last tags


any ideas?

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yes i want the <p> tags in it


for example


i want:


<p>text, <br />text,<span> text</p><p>text, <a href>text, text</p>


to become


text, text, text</p><p>text, text, text


i want to remove all html apart from the <p></p> tags then take out the first <p> and last </p>


i cant echo it too cos i want to insert it into db

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ive managed to figure it out now i just needed the order changing


function paragraphs($data) {
if(substr($data, 0,3) == '<p>') {
$data = substr($data, 3);}
if(substr($data, -4) == '</p>'){
$data = substr($data, 0, -4);}

$data = str_replace("<p>","</p><p>",$data);

echo strip_tags($data, "<p></p>");


this works but how can i now get the value you into variable to post to datbase i cant echo to put into a db can i

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its the sample code i ve written....is tis ur looking for???

class gan{
function paragraphs($data) {
if(substr($data, 0,3) == '<p>') {
$data = substr($data, 3);}
if(substr($data, -4) == '</p>'){
$data = substr($data, 0, -4);}

$data = str_replace("<p>","</p><p>",$data);

$dat=strip_tags($data, "<p></p>");
return $dat;


text,<span> text</p><p>text, <a href>text</a>, text</p> ';
$gan=new gan();
echo $jai;


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tried putting your code into practice


got this error

Catchable fatal error: Object of class gan could not be converted to string in /home/fhlinux153/c/cwservicesltd.co.uk/user/htdocs/admin/portfolio/edit_project.php on line 175


this is my 175

$SQL = $SQL."ClientCase='$Case', ClientResult='$Result', ClientBrief='$Brief', ClientServices='$Services',  ClientCommentsTitle='$CommentsTitle', ClientComments='$Comments', PortDateEdited='$Date' WHERE PortID='$PortID' ";

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i got it working with this code ....im my database i can able to insert the values text,text,......

class gan{
function paragraphs($data) {
if(substr($data, 0,3) == '<p>') {
$data = substr($data, 3);}
if(substr($data, -4) == '</p>'){
$data = substr($data, 0, -4);}

$data = str_replace("<p>","</p><p>",$data);

$dat=strip_tags($data, "<p></p>");
return $dat;


text,<span> text</p><p>text, <a href>text</a>, text</p> ';
$gan=new gan();

$jais= trim ($jai);
$sql=mysql_query("insert into tablename(fieldname)values('$jais')");

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  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `nickname` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `password` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `status` text,
  `created_at` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

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not your table your sql


my sql is


$SQL = "UPDATE tblPortfolio Set PortType='$Type', ClientCompany='$Company', ProjectTitle='$ProjectTitle', ClientName='$Name', ClientUrl='$URL', ClientLocation='$Location', ";


if (!empty($Logo)) {

$SQL = $SQL."ClientLogo='$Logo', ";



$SQL = $SQL."ClientCase='$Case', ClientResult='$Result', ClientBrief='$Brief', ClientServices='$Services',  ClientCommentsTitle='$CommentsTitle', ClientComments='$Comments', PortDateEdited='$Date' WHERE PortID='$PortID' ";


and i get


Catchable fatal error: Object of class gan could not be converted to string in /home/fhlinux153/c/cwservicesltd.co.uk/user/htdocs/admin/portfolio/edit_project.php on line 175

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class gan{
function paragraphs($data) {
if(substr($data, 0,3) == '<p>') {
$data = substr($data, 3);}
if(substr($data, -4) == '</p>'){
$data = substr($data, 0, -4);}

$data = str_replace("<p>","</p><p>",$data);
$data = str_replace("</p></p><p>","</p><p>",$data);

$dat=strip_tags($data, "<p></p>");
return $dat;


$PortID = $_POST["txtID"];
$Type = $_POST["SelType"];
$Company = $_POST["txtCompany"];
$ProjectTitle = $_POST["txtProjectTitle"];
$Name = $_POST["txtName"];
$URL = $_POST["txtUrl"];
$Location = $_POST["txtLocation"];
$Logo = $_FILES['pictures']['name'][0];
$Image1 = $_FILES['pictures']['name'][1];
$Image2 = $_FILES['pictures']['name'][2];
$Image3 = $_FILES['pictures']['name'][3];
$Case = $gan=new gan();

$Result = $gan=new gan();

$Brief = $gan=new gan();

$CommentsTitle = $_POST["txtCommentsTitle"];

$Comments = $gan=new gan();

$Date = date("Y-m-d");

if (!empty($_POST["chkXHTML"])) {
$Services = ":".$_POST["chkXHTML"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkMembership"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkMembership"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkEvent"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkEvent"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkOffice"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkOffice"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkCMS"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkCMS"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkBranding"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkBranding"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkCopy"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkCopy"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkSupport"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkSupport"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkOnlineDB"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkOnlineDB"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkConsult"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkConsult"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkPrint"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkPrint"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkPC"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkPC"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["chkPDF"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["chkPDF"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkPR"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkPR"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkNetwork"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkNetwork"].":";}
if (!empty($_POST["ChkFault"])) {
$Services = $Services.":".$_POST["ChkFault"].":";}

$SQL = "UPDATE tblPortfolio Set PortType='$Type', ClientCompany='$Company', ProjectTitle='$ProjectTitle', ClientName='$Name', ClientUrl='$URL', ClientLocation='$Location', ";

if (!empty($Logo)) {
$SQL = $SQL."ClientLogo='$Logo', ";
if (!empty($Image1)) {
$SQL = $SQL."PortImage1='$Image1', ";
if (!empty($Image2)) {
$SQL = $SQL."PortImage2='$Image2', ";
if (!empty($Image3)) {
$SQL = $SQL."PortImage3='$Image3', ";

$SQL = $SQL."ClientCase='$Case', ClientResult='$Result', ClientBrief='$Brief', ClientServices='$Services',  ClientCommentsTitle='$CommentsTitle', ClientComments='$Comments', PortDateEdited='$Date' WHERE PortID='$PortID' ";

mysql_query($SQL) or die(mysql_error());

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right my last stage is to remove classes from it


at the mo the wysiwyg editor uploads these


<p class="MsoNormal">


i need to change


<p class="MsoNormal">






and the class name may be differnet to "MsoNormal"


i think i know how its done but dont know how to do it



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