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Using Java to confirm a PHP Command


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Not quite sure where to put this


I've got a piece of JavaScript to prompt the User "Delete This Item" With the options OK & CANCEL


I've got the link echo'ed out in the PHP, But how do I get the JavaScript window to prompt whilst being echoe'd in the PHP??


The code I tried was :

echo " || <A HREF='javascript:onClick=alert("Not an active link")\"delete_news.php?id=$id\">Delete News Item</a>";


But thats erroring out


So how do I actually get the PHP to echo the JavaScript Alert?


The JavaScript is just : <A HREF='javascript:onClick=alert("Not an active link")\"delete_news.php?id=$id\">Delete News Item</a>

Which I'm going to modify to match

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If you echo just the javascript it will show the message as it is parsed in the source.

echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert("Not an active link");</script>";


If you are trying to do more of what your code implies, you probably want something like this:

echo " || <A HREF=\"javascript://\" onClick=\"alert('Not an active link');self.location='delete_news.php?id=$id';\">Delete News Item</a>";


That will send the alert message and, upon clicking ok, redirect to your delete_news.php file. It doesn't really make sense with the message you have in the alert, but that is what it looks like you want.

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Just a followup to this.....


I've created some JavaScript, Which is located in the <head> of the document, How do I stop it from loading? and get it to load when the user clicks the link : delete_news.php?id=$id


JavaScript Code is :

<script type="text/javascript">

var answer = confirm ("Delete This News Item?")
if (!answer)

// -->


and I'm using the PHP Code of :

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table1");
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
        {//begin of loop
$title = $myrow['title'];
$description = $myrow['description'];
$id = $myrow['id'];

        //now print the results:          
echo "<h2>$title</h2>";
echo "<div id='description'>$description</div>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<hr>";

// Now print the options to (Read,Edit & Delete the news)

echo "<b>Modification Options...</b>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<a href=\"editnews.php?id=$id\">Edit News Item</a>";
echo " || <a href=\"javascript://\" onClick=\"alert('Delete This News Item?');self.location='delete_news.php?id=$id';\">Delete News Item</a>";
echo "<hr>";
}//End While loop


Somewhere I need to edit that <a href=\"javascript://\"> so that it pairs to the confirmation box I have created in the HEAD of the document


Thanks in advance :)

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Sorry, didn't mean to seem like such an ass. It's just that people could read the title, say to themselves "Hey, I know Java" and then find out that you were talking about JavaScript. It's kind of like somebody saying "Hey I have a PHP problem," when really they have an asp problem.

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You just make it into a function and call it when the user clicks the link.

<script type="text/javascript">
function deleteIt()
   var answer = confirm ("Delete This News Item?")
   if (!answer)
// -->

echo " || <a href=\"javascript://\" onClick=\"deleteIt()\">Delete News Item</a>";

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Thanks Lemmin, That Prompt works fine and dandy :)


My next issue though is that $id is not cascading out to the URL Link, Any ideas why??


Key code areas are :

<script type="text/javascript">
function deleteitem()
   var answer = confirm ("Delete This News Item?")
   if (!answer)
// -->


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table1");
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
        {//begin of loop
$title = $myrow['title'];
$description = $myrow['description'];
$id = $myrow['id'];

        //now print the results:          
echo "<h2>$title</h2>";
echo "<div id='description'>$description</div>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<hr>";

// Now print the options to (Read,Edit & Delete the news)

echo "<b>Modification Options...</b>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<a href=\"editnews.php?id=$id\">Edit News Item</a>";
echo " || <a href=\"javascript://\" onClick=\"deleteitem()\">Delete News Item</a>";
echo "<hr>";
}//End While loop

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I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean that this line:

echo "<a href=\"editnews.php?id=$id\">Edit News Item</a>";

is generating something like this:

<a href="editnews.php?id=">Edit News Item</a>



If so, I would assume that your id fields are null.

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I mean the line of code in the JavaScript




The id=$id is not being picked up


But on the line edit_news.php?id=$id is actually picking that URL up


If you confirm the deletion of the item the URL goes to : /delete_news.php?id=$id

Obviously that $id needs to be from the DB i.e id=1


So that when the delete script is ran it knows that the ID of the item to delete is 1


Hope that makes sense...

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Are you generating the Javascript with PHP or just hardcoding it in? The $id variable is in your PHP code so you have to print it out from the PHP. Assuming that you hardcoded it, you probably want to change it to something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function deleteitem()
   var answer = confirm ("Delete This News Item?")
   if (!answer)
   self.location="delete_news.php?id=<?echo $id ?>"
// -->

And, of course, you have to have the $id variable set before you print the Javascript part.

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