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Help With A Shop Script


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I don`t think this part of the script is written in php but maybe someone can help me..




I need some help with getting this "product Brief display" part of a shop script to show the products in a horizontal side by side view, maybe 3 in a row across, instead of the basic display of vertical ( one product ) on top of each other. Also i`m trying to get the product information to be underneath the product picture instead of at the side.


The ad to cart bit of code can be taken off.


if anyoe can help me out on this i would really appreciate it..





{* product brief view (from a category or search) *}


{if $product_info ne NULL}



<p><table width=95% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>


<td width=1% align=center valign=top>


{if $product_info[7]}<td><div style="margin:0px auto;BORDER: gainsboro 1px dotted;PADDING: 6px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">

<a href="index.php?productID={$product_info[11]}">

<img src="products_pictures/{$product_info[7]}" alt="{$product_info[1]|replace:'"':'"'}" border=0><br>




{if $product_info[5]}

<a href="index.php?productID={$product_info[11]}">

<img src="products_pictures/{$product_info[5]}" alt="{$product_info[1]|replace:'"':'"'}" border=0>








<td valign=top width=99%>


<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=2>



<td valign=top>


<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>





<a class=cat href="index.php?productID={$product_info[11]}">{$product_info[1]}</a><br>



{if $product_info[8] > 0} {* rating *}


{section name=i loop=5}{if $smarty.section.i.index<$product_info[3]}<img src="images/redstar_big.gif">{else}<img src="images/blackstar_big.gif">{/if}{/section}












<td align=right valign=top> {* add to cart *}


{if $smarty.const.CONF_SHOW_ADD2CART eq 1}

{if $product_info[6] > 0 && $product_info[4] > 0}

<a href="index.php?shopping_cart=yes&add2cart={$product_info[11]}"><img src="images/cart_navy.gif" border=0 alt="{$smarty.const.ADD_TO_CART_STRING}"></a>









<td colspan=2>


{if $product_info[4] > 0}

{* show list price? *}

{if $product_info[10] > 0 && $product_info[10] > $product_info[4] && $product_info[4] > 0}

{$smarty.const.LIST_PRICE}: <font color=brown><strike>{$product_info[13]}</strike></font><br>



<b>{$smarty.const.CURRENT_PRICE}: <font class="cat" color="red">{$product_info[12]}</font></b>


{* you save *}

{if $product_info[10] > 0 && $product_info[10] > $product_info[4] && $product_info[4] > 0}



<font color=brown>{$product_info[14]} ({$product_info[15]}%)









<td colspan=2>


















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