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Apache Index Issue

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Sorry, can you explain the problem a bit clearer giving examples/details if it helps.


What you've said doesn't make much sense tbh...


I think you're saying apache is using the IP of your router as it's IP...? Surely it's not an using the IP of the machine it is installed on...? but... huh?

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Everytime I install Apache it won't work, you know on the sercurity monitor thing? The light always shows as red, I know my Wireless router is using my IP address for something I don't know what apache won't work but for some reason it refuses to! I really don't understand why, it used to work until I got a wireless router.

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Do you have Skype installed by chance? If you do Skype will interfere with Apache, as both Apache and Skype will use port 80. You'll need to configure apache to use a different port eg 8080 instead. Ports cannot be shared simultaneously.


Going to http://localhost/ should not go to your router configuration page.


To change the port Apache uses open the httpd.cond and change

Listen 80


Listen 8080


Save the httpd.conf. Now Start Apache. if it starts up go to http://localhost:8080/ rather than http://localhost/

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