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[SOLVED] Ajax Function not being called


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Why Hello There! :) For some reason the ajax function below is not being called from my submit button:


JS File:

function sendRequest(mode)
  alert("function called");
  $('shoutbox').innerHTML= "Processing...";
  if (mode == "shout")
      new Ajax.Request("process.php?mode=shout", 
          method: 'post', 
          postBody: 'text='+ $F('shoutsub'),
          onComplete: showResponse 

function showResponse(req)
  $('shoutbox').innerHTML = req.responseText;

I put "alert("function called");", to see if it was actually getting there, but no alert comes up.




echo "<form method='post' id='form' name='form' onsubmit='return false;'>
<fieldset id='shout'>

<label for='shoutext'>Message:</label>
<input type='text' id='shoutext' name='shoutext' tabindex='6' style='width: 360px' />

<input type='submit' id='shoutsub' name='shoutsub' value='Shout!' onclick='onclick='sendRequest(\'shout\')' tabindex='7' />




When I click submit, nothing happens. I have the js file included in my head tag with "<script src=". Any help would be appreciated.


Thank You! :)

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JavaScript doesn't like the \'


use this:

<input type='submit' id='shoutsub' name='shoutsub' value='Shout!' onclick='sendRequest(\"shout\")' tabindex='7' />


<input type='submit' id='shoutsub' name='shoutsub' value='Shout!' onclick=\"sendRequest('shout')\" tabindex='7' />

or even better, just stop the PHP and start it back up again:

  //php code here
<form method="post" id="form" name="form" onsubmit="return false;">
  <fieldset id="shout">

  <label for="shoutext">Message:</label>
  <input type="text" id="shoutext" name="shoutext" tabindex="6" style="width: 360px" />

  <input type="submit" id="shoutsub" name="shoutsub" value="Shout!" onclick="sendRequest('shout')" tabindex="7" />
  //more php code

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I did all 3 ways, and it still does nothing:


if($_SESSION['username'] || $_COOKIE['user']) {

echo "<div id='shoutform' style='display: none'>";	

if($_POST['shoutsub'] && $sherror == "1") { echo "<span style='color: #CD5C5C; font-size: .8em'>Please enter a message!</span>"; }

if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== FALSE) { echo "<div style='margin-top: .8em; margin-bottom: 0' />"; }

<form method="post" id="form" name="form" onsubmit="return false;">
  	<fieldset id="shout">

	 <label for="shoutext">Message:</label>
  	<input type="text" id="shoutext" name="shoutext" tabindex="6" style="width: 360px" />

  	<input type="submit" id="shoutsub" name="shoutsub" value="Shout!" onclick="sendRequest('shout')" tabindex="7" />

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if you comment everything out inside sendRequest except for the alert(), does the alert then work?



-Which JS library are you using...prototype?

-Are you getting any JavaScript errors?

-What browser are you using?

-Do you have a link to the page that I can load up and see what happens?

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I rewrote it and it still doesn't work. BTW, how did you get that error? I don't get anything.


EDIT: I cleaned the js code like this:


function sendRequest(mode)
alert("function called");
$('shoutbox').innerHTML= "Processing...";
if(mode == "shout")
	new Ajax.Request("process.php?mode=shout", 
	method: 'post', 
	postBody: 'text='+ $F('shoutsub'),
	onComplete: showResponse 

function showResponse(req)
$('shoutbox').innerHTML = req.responseText;


Now, I actually get the alert to come up, but the rest of the code doesn't seem to go through.

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Ok, that was weird. I'm pretty sure I uploaded it, I added it again, and now I've made progress. It says processing, then goes back to saying "Shoutbox resets everyday etc...". If you refresh the page, you will see the time, username, but no message. I'm guessing the problem is here in process.php:





if($_GET['mode'] == "shout")
	$shomes = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($_POST['shoutext']));
	$sshuser = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($_SESSION['username']));
	$cshuser = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($_COOKIE['user']));
	$shtime = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes(date('h:i a')));
	$shdate = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes(date('m-j-Y')));

	mysql_query("INSERT INTO shoutbox(user, time, date, message) VALUES('$sshuser', '$shtime', '$shdate', '$shomes')");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET currency = currency + 1 WHERE username = '$sshuser'");
	else if($_COOKIE['user']) 
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO shoutbox(user, time, date, message) VALUES('$cshuser', '$shtime', '$shdate', '$shomes')");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET currency = currency + 1 WHERE username = '$cshuser'");
	else { header("location: ajax.php?display=shout&err=1"); }

	header("location: ajax.php?display=shout");
else { header("location: ajax.php?display=shout&err=2"); }

else { header("location: ajax.php?display=shout&err=3"); }



"$shomes = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes($_POST['shoutext']));" It is not recognizing $_POST['shouttext'] from a different file. I know this is a php problem now, so I'll post over there if you want me to.


Thank You So Much!  :)

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Just logged in, and it looks like it's working well now, glad I could help.


...one last tip....on your login script, after you validate the credentials, instead of just showing the page, use a header() redirect back to itself. that way after they log in, if they hit refresh, it won't ask them if they want to re-post the data:

  if(/*validate login info*/){
    header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  //Failed login message here

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