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[SOLVED] Inserting user selected time value


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Hi all!


My $_POST['when'] is not doing what I want.  How can I rename it?  It is taking a user submitted javascript calender date, which is set to be in mysql format.  The code worked fine until I added this.  I tried using

DATE(),  and  DATE() 'when' ,''  and 'DATE: Manual Date', 'when'

each on its own, to substitute but that didn't work. 


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO stories(cat_id, username, dateposted, location, when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est)
	VALUES('".$_POST['cat']."', '".$_SESSION['SESS_USERNAME']."', NOW(), '".$_POST['location']."', 
'".$_POST['when']."',         <--- the problem
	'".$_POST['datename']."', '".$_POST['body']."',
	".$_POST['fri'].", ".$_POST['fun'].", ".$_POST['soh'].", ".$_POST['con'].", ".$_POST['sma'].",
	".$_POST['sex'].", ".$_POST['hyg'].", ".$_POST['mes'].", ".$_POST['aut'].", ".$_POST['est'].")";


I can post the rest of the script but after mysql error and php error results I have narrowed it down to this.



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Datatype for 'when' column is simply Date. 


Value format is yyyy-mm-dd.


<td><input type="text" name="when"><a href="javascript:cal9.popup();"><img src="img/cal.gif"></a></td>


Sorry to have left that out.  Mysql Server V. is 5.0 and PHP is 5.2.1

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Results are

INSERT INTO stories(cat_id, username, dateposted, location, when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est) VALUES('1', 'John', NOW(), 'Alabama', 2008-06-15, 'adsfadsfadsfdsf', 'adsfadsfadsfadsfadsfadsfadsf', 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7)


I thought I could replace



'DATE: Manual Date', 'when'


Not sure how to set this one up.  ???


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Here it gets


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est) VALUE' at line 1


... So, that narrows it down to the 'when' value, right?



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if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO stories(cat_id, username, dateposted, location, when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est)
	VALUES('".$_POST['cat']."', '".$_SESSION['SESS_USERNAME']."', NOW(), '".$_POST['location']."',
	'".$_POST['datename']."', '".$_POST['body']."',
	".$_POST['fri'].", ".$_POST['fun'].", ".$_POST['soh'].", ".$_POST['con'].", ".$_POST['sma'].",
	".$_POST['sex'].", ".$_POST['hyg'].", ".$_POST['mes'].", ".$_POST['aut'].", ".$_POST['est'].")";


header("Location: " . $config_basedir . "/index.php");
	else {

<div id=main1>
<form name="addstory" action="<?php echo $SCRIPT_NAME ?>" method="post">

<td colspan='2'>Enter form.</td>

<td>This was a</td>
<select name="cat">
	$catsql = "SELECT * FROM categories;";
	$catres = mysql_query($catsql);
	while($catrow= mysql_fetch_assoc($catres)) {
		echo "<option value='" . $catrow['id'] . "'>" . $catrow['category'] . "</option>";

<td><select name="location">
<option value ="Alabama">Alabama</option>
  	<option value ="California">California</option>
  	<option value ="Colorado" selected="selected">Colorado</option>
  	<option value ="New Hampshire">New Hampshire</option>
  	<option value ="Massachusetts">Massachusetts</option>
<option value ="Montana">Montana</option>

<td><input type="text" name="when"><a href="javascript:cal9.popup();"><img src="img/cal.gif"></a></td>
<td>Name (Of Your Date)</td>
<td><input type="text" name="datename"></td>
<td>Rate Your Date</td>
<td><textarea name="body" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea></td>
<td colspan='2'>rate these qualities from 1 to 10 (10 being ideal).</td>
<input type="radio"  name="fri" value=1>1</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fri" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio"  name="fun" value=1>1</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio"  name="fun" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="soh" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="con" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="con" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sma" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="sex" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="hyg" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" src="img/full.gif" name="mes" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="mes" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="aut" value ="10">10</option>
<input type="radio" name="est" value ="1">1</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="2">2</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="3">3</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="4">4</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="5">5</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="6">6</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="7">7</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="8">8</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="9">9</option>
  	<input type="radio" name="est" value ="10">10</option>
<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post Your Date!"></td>

<script language="JavaScript">
var cal9 = new calendar3(document.forms['addstory'].elements['when']);
cal9.year_scroll = true;
cal9.time_comp = false;


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try this:

$now=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO stories(cat_id, username, dateposted, location, when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est)
	VALUES('$cat_id', '$user_in_session', $now, '$location','$when','$datename', '$body','$fri','$fun','$soh','$con','$sma','$sex','$hyg'

	mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

header("Location: " . $config_basedir . "/index.php");

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Darn!  Same error message that looked good too. 


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est) VALUE' at line 1


Thanks for your help, I need to go to bed now.  I'll report back with any new finds.  Thanks again.  :)

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The date needs single quotes around it:


$sql = "INSERT INTO stories(cat_id, username, dateposted, location, when, datename, body, fri, fun, soh, con, sma, sex, hyg, mes, aut, est)
	VALUES('".$_POST['cat']."', '".$_SESSION['SESS_USERNAME']."', NOW(), '".$_POST['location']."',
	'".$_POST['datename']."', '".$_POST['body']."',
	".$_POST['fri'].", ".$_POST['fun'].", ".$_POST['soh'].", ".$_POST['con'].", ".$_POST['sma'].",
	".$_POST['sex'].", ".$_POST['hyg'].", ".$_POST['mes'].", ".$_POST['aut'].", ".$_POST['est'].")";

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