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Language text in DB or php file?


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I was wondering what is the best thing to do when we develop multi-language web application.


In the past I use DB to store my language data. So at each page loading, the page call the DB and retrive all language string for this page.


But I also see in other application (like osCommerce) the use of files (french.php, english.php, ...) where a bunch of variable are set in the file.


This two method work, so now I would like to argue about which one is better and why.

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I know in Java, localization usually comes in 'properties' files.


Here's a prototype in PHP:



There was an error ${my.error.string}



my.error.string=The command ${opname} is not recognized. Please try again.
operation.unavailable.error=The command ${opname} is temporarily unavailable. Please try later.



my.error.string=Desconocido Operacion ${opname}.
operation.unavailable.error=Operacion  ${opname}  indisponible.



$user = UserDao::getUser($_SESSION['username']); // populate the user model object
try {
   $a = Localization::Load($user->getLocale()) //load the proper localization file
} catch (LocaleNotFoundException) {
   $a = Localization::Load(Localization.DEFAULT);

$p = new Template("mytemplate.tpl");


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I have no problem to program one way or the other.


I was looking for the best pratice. Person who use multi-language application store string in file or in DB?


-File is easy to edit

-DB who load only string for a page use less memory than load all string for all pages like a file


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Did I not share with you the best practice I am aware of?


Yes, thank you.


But I would like to have some explaination and arguments. You method use one big file or multiple small files?


In .net they use localization file too. One for each page, I don't like this pratice because the data is in multiple files and for change data or add a language, you have to edit all files.

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