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Post Data and internet explorer


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So what's the deal with POST data and Internet Explorer?  It doesn't seem to play too friendly with IE and history.back options.


What's the best way to deal with this?  Everything I try seems to have the same effect and the general impression I get from googling is that short of changing my POST to something like SESSION there isn't much I can do.


Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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Simple solution: don't use history.back Anytime you go back into a page that processed form data, you are resubmitting the data. You should always redirect from a page that handles post data to a  page that doesn't.



EDIT: and I agree with ^ you need to tell us your problem.

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You would need to tell us specifically what problem you are having for anyone in a Forum to be able to give you a specific answer.




Essentially I have a few places where there will be two pages.  One page has a fair amount of post data on it, and occasionally it will send the user to a new page depending on what they select.  The problem is these pages can be accessed from multiple locations so I need the user to just be able to be sent back a page when they are done at the new page.  In Firefox this works ok, it gives a post data prompt but it does send them back.  In IE though it just won't work and I have to refresh it for it to load the page.


This was definitely not something I was thinking about before hand as post data is new to me.  I'm working on a system that was previously set up so saying no to POST data is just not an option at this stage, it's used everywhere. 

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