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php Function breaks out of layout? :|

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I have a function that echo's the navigation for a website, it runs perfectly, BUT, it breaks out of the layout. If i do;


<div id="something"><?php eNavigation(); ?></div>


It "Breaks" out of the div and puts itself above everything else.


The function is;

function eNavigation(){
$domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT site FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");  
while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult)) { 	
if ($NAVrow['title'] == 'Home') {
echo "<li><a href=\"";
echo stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);
echo "\">";
echo stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);
echo "</a></li>";


Why does it break out of the Div? :|


So if i have;

<div id="something"><?php eNavigation(); ?></div>


When i view the page in my browser, the following happens;

<div id="something"></div>

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Use return instead.

function eNavigation()
    $html      = null;
    $domain    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT site FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");

    while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult))
        $title = stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);

        if ($title == 'Home')

        $html .= '<li><a href="' . $title . '">' . $title . "</a></li>\n";

        return $html;



<div id="something"><?php eNavigation(); ?></div>


<div id="something"><?php echo eNavigation(); ?></div>

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Because when you use echo in a function, it doesn't return the output of where the function was called from. But from where the function is defined.



function test()
    echo 'hello ';

echo 'world' . test();

//output: hello world


Where as

function test()
    return 'hello ';

echo 'world' . test();

//output: world hello

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I want it to echo every title from the database.

I've made a sort of "mini site" script, for personal use.

I had it working PERFECTLY before, but I wanted to add a template feature, so I've had to move to using functions, which is what stumped me...


The database has;



And I want it to echo each title, so like;

<li><a href="/title1">title1</a></li>

<li><a href="/title2">title2</a></li>


It worked perfectly before with;

$resulttt = mysql_query("SELECT site, title, content FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");  
while ($rowww = mysql_fetch_assoc($resulttt)) { 	
if ($rowww['title'] == 'Home') {
echo "<li><a href=\"";
echo stripslashes($rowww['title']);
echo "\">";
echo stripslashes($rowww['title']);
echo "</a></li>";


But when I use what you provided before it only echo's the first result, not every single one, I tried the following, but it creates the same problem as before, they break out of the layout;


function eNavigation()
    $html      = null;
    $domain    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");

    while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult))
        $title = stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);

        echo  '<li><a href="' . $title . '">' . $title . "</a></li>\n";


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It wont return just 1 result. It'll return all results .= is the concatenation operator. Post the current code you're using now.


EDIT: Argh balls! I just noticed I had a typo in my code example. I added the return statement inside of the while loop. It should be outside of the loop.


function eNavigation()
    $html      = null;
    $domain    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT site FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");

    while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult))
        $title = stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);

        if ($title == 'Home')

        $html .= '<li><a href="' . $title . '">' . $title . "</a></li>\n";        

    return $html;

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function eNavigation()
    $html      = null;
    $domain    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");

    while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult))
        $title = stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);

        $html .= '<li><a href="' . $title . '">' . $title . "</a></li>\n";

        return $html;



and then


where i want it echoed, but this only echos the first result.

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Sorry, I modified my post before you replied.

It wont return just 1 result. It'll return all results .= is the concatenation operator. Post the current code you're using now.


EDIT: Argh balls! I just noticed I had a typo in my code example. I added the return statement inside of the while loop. It should be outside of the loop.


function eNavigation()
    $html      = null;
    $domain    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");

    while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult))
        $title = stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);

        $html .= '<li><a href="' . $title . '">' . $title . "</a></li>\n";

     return $html;

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Sorry, I modified my post before you replied.

It wont return just 1 result. It'll return all results .= is the concatenation operator. Post the current code you're using now.


EDIT: Argh balls! I just noticed I had a typo in my code example. I added the return statement inside of the while loop. It should be outside of the loop.


function eNavigation()
    $html      = null;
    $domain    = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $NAVresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE site='$domain' ORDER BY id ASC");

    while ($NAVrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NAVresult))
        $title = stripslashes($NAVrow['title']);

        $html .= '<li><a href="' . $title . '">' . $title . "</a></li>\n";

     return $html;


It worked!

I love you.


Also, have an in-advance congratulations on your 8,000 post :)

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