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UPDATE MySQL with PHP - Whole day trying, but no joy...

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I have created a script to update a news section, I have used this script before and it works fine on my other sites; however, it just does not want to update the MySQL (MySQL client version: 5.0.45) db?


I am going mad, have been trying to fix it for the last 9 hours. If someone can help that would be great.  ???


The following code is step 2, the first step is just a page that pushes the ID across (update_list.php -- update_list_edit.php -- update_list_changed.php)


The Form




$link = mysql_connect("","username", "password");
if (! $link)
die("Couldn't connect to MySQL");

mysql_select_db($db , $link)
or die("Couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error());

$query=" SELECT * FROM Vector_Hpages WHERE HpagesID='$id'";

while ($i < $num) {
$HpagesID		=mysql_result($result,$i,"HpagesID");
$HpagesCat		=mysql_result($result,$i,"HpagesCat");
$HpagesHeader	=mysql_result($result,$i,"HpagesHeader");
$HpagesContent	=mysql_result($result,$i,"HpagesContent");
$HpagesSContent	=mysql_result($result,$i,"HpagesSContent");
$HpagesMKey		=mysql_result($result,$i,"HpagesMKey");


<h3>Edit and Submit</h3>
<form action="update_list_changed.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="vec_id" value="<? echo "$HpagesID" ?>">

<strong>Page Header:</strong><br>
<input type="text" name="vec_header" value="<? echo "$HpagesHeader" ?>"><p>
<strong>Page Content:</strong><br>
<textarea cols="40" rows="10" name="vec_content"><? print "$HpagesContent" ?></textarea><p>
<strong>Small Content:</strong><br>
<textarea cols="40" rows="5" name="vec_scontent"><? print "$HpagesSContent" ?></textarea><p>
<strong>Meta Keyword:</strong><br>
<textarea cols="40" rows="5" name="vec_mkey"><? print "$HpagesMKey" ?></textarea><p>
<strong>Page Category:</strong><br>
<input type="text" name="vec_cat" value="<? echo "$HpagesCat" ?>"><p>
<input type="Submit" value="Update">



This is step 3, which pushes the information into the MySQL db (well it should do?)


The Push to MySQL



$vec_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vec_id']);
$vec_header = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vec_header']);
$vec_content = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vec_content']);
$vec_scontent = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vec_scontent']);
$vec_mkey = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vec_mkey']);
$vec_cat = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vec_cat']);

$link = mysql_connect("","ursername", "password");
if (! $link)
die("Couldn't connect to MySQL");

mysql_select_db($db , $link)
or die("Couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error());

mysql_query("UPDATE Vector_Hpages SET HpagesHeader='$vec_header', HpagesContent='$vec_content', HpagesSContent='$vec_scontent', HpagesMKey='$vec_mkey', HpagesCat='$vec_cat' WHERE HpagesID='$vec_id'") or die("Update Error: ".mysql_error());
echo "Record Updated";



Can anyone see where this issue is happening, I have printed the code out and checked it, but, still can not see the error...  :-\  :'(


Would appriciate any help.





PS - this is the MySQL DB

CREATE TABLE `Vector_Hpages` (
  `HpagesID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `HpagesCat` tinytext NOT NULL,
  `HpagesHeader` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `HpagesContent` longtext NOT NULL,
  `HpagesSContent` tinytext NOT NULL,
  `HpagesMKey` tinytext NOT NULL,
  `Active` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Counter` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `DateAdded` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`HpagesID`),
  KEY `HpagesID` (`HpagesID`,`DateAdded`)

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