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I am inserting with this script but not deleting still have tryed various things not sure as to why its not deleting yet.

any help greatly appreciated.





// Set length of session to twenty minutes 
define("SESSION_LENGTH", 20); 


$sConn = @mysql_connect($dbServer, $dbUser, $dbPass) 
or die("Couldnt connect to database"); 

$dbConn = @mysql_select_db($dbName, $sConn) 
or die("Couldnt select database $dbName"); 

$timeMax = time() - (60 * "SESSION_LENGTH"); 
$result = mysql_query("select count(*) from usersOnline where unix_timestamp(dateAdded) >= '$timeMax' and userIP = '$userIP'"); 

$recordExists = mysql_result($result, 0, 0) > 0 ? true : false; 
if(!$recordExists) $usersonline = mysql_num_rows($recordExists);
// Add a record for this user 
@mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersOnline(userIP, username, permission, user_id) values ('$userIP', '$_SESSION[username]', '$_SESSION[permission]', '$_SESSION[id]')");   
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM usersOnline WHERE dateAdded < $timeMax");
return $usersonline; 

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