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Configuring PHP.ini

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I am using Joomla for many of my webs but I am having a problem\strange affect while configuring my php.ini file, Joomla requires "PHP magic_quotes_gpc" setting to be "ON" so I went to the php5 folder opened up php.ini, found the line and changed from OFF to ON but Joomla still says OFF? Why is this?


Do I need to reboot the server which I DO NOT want to do or am I missing something else.


This is also happening on other settings, I am running php on Windows 2003.


Thanks for your help



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are your settings really saved? (do they still exist when you reopen the config file?) ...you should try restarting your webserver (software not hardware). If it's still OFF there must be another PHP.ini anywhere else.

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To get changes to the master php.ini to take effect, you must stop and start the web server. In Apache you can just stop and start apache. In IIS you cannot just stop and start the web site in the IIS management console. You must stop and start the IIS service in the service control panel.


If php is running as an Apache module, you can change magic_quotes_gpc in a .htaccess file. If php is running as a CGI wrapper, you can change magic_quotes_gpc in a local php.ini file.

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