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So there aren't any errors that pop up, it's just plain not working


$shops = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shops`");
$forward = time()+480;
$res_time = date("F j - H:i"); // Current time
$res_update_time = date("F j - H:i", $forward); // 8 minutes from now

while ($shops_row = mysql_fetch_array($shops)) {
$shop_id = $shops_row['id'];
$restocks = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shop_restocking` WHERE shop_id='$shop_id'");
while ($restocks_row = mysql_fetch_array($restocks)) {
	$amount_items = $restocks_row['SUM(amount)']; // Total amount of items in the shop
	$i = $amount_items;
	if ($amount_items <= 5) { // If the amount of items equals 5 or less, continue
		if ($res_time >= $res_update_time) { // If the 8 minute wait is up, continue
			while ($i<=50) { // Loop while $i is less than 50
			$restock_min = 1;
			$restock_max = $restocks_row['COUNT(id)'];
			$rand_num = rand($restock_min, $restock_max); // Picks a random number
			$res_check_id = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shop_restocking` WHERE item_id='$rand_num'"); // Check if the id exists
				if (!$res_check_id) { // If the id does not exist, do nothing
				} else { // If the id exists, continue
					$check_id_row = mysql_fetch_array($res_check_id);
					$rarity = $check_id_row['rarity']; // The item's rarity
					$amount = round($rarity/8); // The amount of items that will be entered
					$res_update = mysql_query("UPDATE `shop_restocking` SET amount='$amount' WHERE id='$rand_num'"); // Reset the amount
				} // End if
			} // End while
		} // End if
	} // End if
} // End while
} // End while


So it works by checking the total amount of items in a shop. If there are less than 5 items, then the shop should wait 8 minutes and then be restocked. Then it just starts picking random items to put into the shop up until there are a total of at least 50 items.

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Do you write this code by hand? I'd suggest using Dreamweaver CS3 as it makes developing dynamic websites a piece of cake!  ;D


I'm using Dreamweaver 8 because I prefer that but I still code by hand with it. I don't like how it adds stuff for you at the click of a button.

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Got this:


/includes/header.php on line 48


Notice: Undefined index: css in /home/vol1/byethost13.com/b13_1141145/errion.byethost13.com/htdocs/includes/header.php on line 125


Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/vol1/byethost13.com/b13_1141145/errion.byethost13.com/htdocs/includes/header.php on line 9

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Got this:


/includes/header.php on line 48


Notice: Undefined index: css in /home/vol1/byethost13.com/b13_1141145/errion.byethost13.com/htdocs/includes/header.php on line 125


Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/vol1/byethost13.com/b13_1141145/errion.byethost13.com/htdocs/includes/header.php on line 9


You'll have to make those lines so their not relying on register_globals being on.

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Got this:


/includes/header.php on line 48


Notice: Undefined index: css in /home/vol1/byethost13.com/b13_1141145/errion.byethost13.com/htdocs/includes/header.php on line 125


Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /home/vol1/byethost13.com/b13_1141145/errion.byethost13.com/htdocs/includes/header.php on line 9


You'll have to make those lines so their not relying on register_globals being on.


What? ???

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Ok, for example: Let's say one of the errors is


$SelectProduct = $_GET['whatever'];


You would put that near the top of the page, and then wherever the error is, you just right it so that it says:




i.e remove everything after the equals, except the semi-colon of course.



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Ok, for example: Let's say one of the errors is


$SelectProduct = $_GET['whatever'];


You would put that near the top of the page, and then wherever the error is, you just right it so that it says:




i.e remove everything after the equals, except the semi-colon of course.




Two of those are if statments so it wouldn't make any sense.

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