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image resize and horizontal vs vertical


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alrighty, I have a working image resizer and uploader, what i would like is for the script to compare the dimensions of the photo and determine which is longer, then make the resize on that dimension so that a skinny but tall photo is shortened up and a fat short photo is thinned up.

the script makes 2 files a big and small file


here is the relvant code

sm_pixels = 250;
bg_pixels = 512;

//determine which is longer, height or width
if ($width >= $height) {
	// these lines actually does the image resizing, copying from the original
	// image into the $tmp image

} else {


so the script always makes the width 512 for big or 250 for small, i want it to choose which is longer and resize that dimension to 512 or 250, so that i don't end up with a hugely long or hugely wide photo on my website


what did i do wrong



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I have a script that I use for uploading photos to my site that does exactly what you want.  It resizes correctly (width & height) and creates 2 files (big & small).  You can specify the size of the file and the location to save.  Have a look and let me know if you have any problem.



if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

//rename file storage variable for convenience
$img = $_FILES['uploadfile'];

//get the type of the file
//note that the type can be determined by the MIME type, but this is prone to error and can be fooled.
//This way, even if the user is uploading an executable, if it is named .jpg, it can never be executed

//the type is found by taking the substring of the name after the last '.', strrpos finds the last instance of a character in a string
$type = substr($img['name'], strrpos($img['name'], '.') + 1);

//ensure the type is gif or jpg, and that the size is less than 512kB (expressed in bytes)
if(($type == "gif" || $type == "jpg") && $img['size'] < 512000) {
	//get the current timestamp
	$time = time();

	//create the names for the two files
	//first, get the name of the file, using a similar method to that getting the type earlier
	$name = substr($img['name'], 0, strrpos($img['name'], '.'));		

	//then it's just a matter of putting the pieces together
	$fullsizeName	= $name.'_'.$time.'.'.$type;
	$thumbName		= $name.'_'.$time.'_thumb.'.$type;

	//create a php image object from the uploaded file
	if($type == "gif")
		$imgObj = imagecreatefromgif($img['tmp_name']);
		$imgObj = imagecreatefromjpeg($img['tmp_name']);

	//get the width and height of the image
	$width = imageSX($imgObj);
	$height = imageSY($imgObj);

	//resize both width and height if width > 600
	if($width > 600) {
	 	$height = $height * (600 / $width);
	 	$width = 600;	

	//get the thumb width and height:
	if($height * 1.5 < $width) {
		//if so, we limit by width
		$thumbWidth = 150;
		$thumbHeight = $height * (150 / $width);
	else {
		//otherwise, we limit by height
		$thumbHeight = 100;
		$thumbWidth = $width * (100 / $height);

	//create the new image objects
	$newImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
	$newThumb = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);

	//copy the old image objects to the new ones, given their new dimensions
	//see further documentation at php.net/imagecopyresampled
	imagecopyresampled($newImage, $imgObj, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, imageSX($imgObj), imageSY($imgObj));
	imagecopyresampled($newThumb, $imgObj, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, imageSX($imgObj), imageSY($imgObj));

	//move the images to their destinations
	if($type == "gif") {
		imagegif($newImage, 'images/photo/'.$fullsizeName);
		imagegif($newThumb, 'images/photo/'.$thumbName);
	else {
		imagejpeg($newImage, 'images/photo/'.$fullsizeName);
		imagejpeg($newThumb, 'images/photo/'.$thumbName);

	//destroy the image objects to save space on the server

	//insert data into the database - ID (autonumber),
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblgallery VALUES ('', '".$fullsizeName."', '".$thumbName."');");
	echo "The input is not acceptable";

echo '<form name="uploadimage" action="upload.php" method="post">
<input class="input6" type="file" name="uploadfile" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />


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