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Need help with basic php search function...Aren't I a clown


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Hi all!


I am realtively new to both php and html, and i was wondering if you could help me out with creating a search function.  I am trying to have a html search interface, and then have it pass varaibles into a php search function, going into a mysql database.  thanks in advance, im sure it will be a stupid mistake.




HTML Index code





<title>Welcome to the HOPE Database</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="text/main.css" type="text/css" />




<h1>H.O.P.E Volunteer Database Search</h1>

<font class="title">Please enter your database query below.</font>

<form name="search" method="post" action="search.php">

Search by Name: <input type="text" name="find" /> in 

<Select NAME="field">

<Option VALUE="fname">First Name</option><!--Searches according to the volunteers last name -->

<Option VALUE="lname">Last Name</option><!--Searches according to the volunteers first name -->


<input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" />

<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" />




<a href="volunteer.htm">Input a new volunteer</a>




PHP Search Code




//Displays once search text is run through.

if ($searching =="yes")


echo "<h1>Your results: </h1><p>";


//If nothing is entered then return no search text.

if ($find == "")


echo "<p>Please enter a search item in the query box</";




// Else, connect to database

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); //Need to setup dedicated H.O.P.E server to link to mySQL, then input user/server info.

mysql_select_db("hope") or die(mysql_error());



//Search for search term once in database.

$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hope WHERE upper($field) LIKE'%$find%'");


//Display results

while($result = mysql_fetch_array( $data ))


echo $result['fname'];

echo " ";

echo $result['lname'];

echo "<br>";

echo $result['idnum'];

echo "<br>";

if ($result['grad'] == 0) //This if statement echos back whether or not the volunteer has graduated. 0 for attending, 1 for alumni, 2 for not a student of UM.


echo "This volunteer is an attending student.";


if ($result['grad'] == 1)


echo "This volunteer is an alumni of the University.";


if ($result['grad'] == 2)


echo "This volunteer is not a student of the University.";


echo "<br>";

echo "Volunteer Hours" .$result['volhrs'];

echo "<br>";




//This counts the number or results - and if there wasn't any it gives them a little message explaining that


if ($matchnum == 0)


echo "There were no results for you mySQL query.<br><br>";



//Echo back what the user searched for:

echo "<b>Searched For: </b> " .$find;

echo "<b>Number of Results: </b> " .$matchnum;



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of course.


Notice: Undefined variable: searching in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 4



Once we fix this one, however, i know there will be more.  i think it has something to do with passing the html variables into php...

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Of course i checked line 4, not new to programming altogether.  :P


<input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" />


it is in the HTML code, i dont know how to pass it to PHP, unfamiliar to HTML forms, and stuff.


I have tried adding the $, and the same error.


Thanks for tagging along and your help

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Thanks, you have helped me on that part, that is useful to know.


Now on to the hard part.


herer is my error message.


Notice: Undefined variable: field in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 21


Notice: Undefined variable: find in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 21


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 24


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 51

There were no results for you mySQL query.



Notice: Undefined variable: find in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 58





I am going to try and add the $_POST to certain lines to see if it fixes the problem.

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do you have phpmyadmin? I would suggest you test our your query to see if it returns any results


so paste this in the sql query


SELECT * FROM hope WHERE upper($field) LIKE'%$find%'


but replace $find with some value that you know it should be able to find. if you return 0 results, then your query is structured wrong.

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SQL query: 



FROM hope

WHERE upper( $field ) LIKE '%$fname%'

LIMIT 0 , 30


MySQL said: 


#1054 - Unknown column '$field' in 'where clause'



why are you using the upper function? if you're doing a simple search then you'd do WHERE columnname LIKE '%$fname%' but you HAVE to replace $fname with an actual value that is in your database(if you're doing it in phpmyadmin)

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I am pretty sure that I have inserted the data into the database, and the search brings up this error.


SQL query:


WHERE fname LIKE '%mike%'


MySQL said: 


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE fname LIKE '%mike%'' at line 1


fname is the column name, and mike has been inserted in there, I am pretty sure.

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Anyone, I have this project due by today, and I need help, please.


Here is the error from my search.


Notice: Undefined variable: field in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 21


Notice: Undefined variable: find in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 21


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 24


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 51

There were no results for you mySQL query.



Notice: Undefined variable: find in H:\Documents\My Web Sites\HOPE Search Database\search.php on line 58

Searched For: Number of Results:


My code is posted above.  I am really clueless at this point...



Now I cant get this table to insert either....IM dying here.



SQL query:




`lname` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`fname` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`idnum` INT NOT NULL ,

`gradyear` INT NOT NULL ,

`grad` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`donor` ENUM NOT NULL ,



`fellow` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`sfellow` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`scholar` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`lreduce` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`address` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`city` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`state` TEXT NOT NULL ,


`phone` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`waddress` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`wcity` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`wstate` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`wzip` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`wphone` TEXT NOT NULL ,


`cphone` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`email` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`interests` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`project` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`liason` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`pliason` ENUM NOT NULL ,

`comtotalhours` INT NOT NULL ,

`comagency` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`comdate` DATE NOT NULL ,

`comhours` INT NOT NULL ,

`adtotalhours` INT NOT NULL ,

`adagency` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`addate` DATE NOT NULL ,

`adhours` INT NOT NULL ,

`adattorney` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`adattorneycon` TEXT NOT NULL ,

`userlanguage` ENUM NOT NULL ,






MySQL said: 


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NOT NULL, `donor` ENUM NOT NULL, `foh` ENUM NOT NULL, `org` TEXT NOT NULL, `fell' at line 1

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I am pretty sure that I have inserted the data into the database, and the search brings up this error.


SQL query:


WHERE fname LIKE '%mike%'


MySQL said: 


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE fname LIKE '%mike%'' at line 1


fname is the column name, and mike has been inserted in there, I am pretty sure.


lol dude, when I said "WHERE fname LIKE '%mike%' " I meant to add that to the end of the "SELECT * FROM table" statement.

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