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Need some help


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Obviously I'm new here - and I really don't know much about PHP - so  here I am.


I'm trying to put together a website for the company I work for - I've got the design all finished and I downloaded a script I thought would be perfect. I'm trying to shuffle several images on one page. However the script shuffles the photos - but wont shuffle the links that go with the photos. =( Anyone know a way I can make that happen? Here's some of the code. I added the links into the index.php page - but again they stay static and the images rotate. =(




copy the below code into any php file!



<a href="http://www.p.com"><img src='rotate.php?i=0'>image #1 
<a href="http://www.phone.com"><img src='rotate.php?i=1'>image #2 
<a href="http://www.phe.com"><img src='rotate.php?i=2'>image #3

this snippet below is from a random.php page 

$images=array( // list of files to rotate - add as needed 
"smile.gif" ); [code]

If someone could pretty please guide me in the right direction I would be so happy. 



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This is simple enough. This is the way I'd do it



$images = array(
'bomb.html' => 'bomb.gif',
'frown.html' => 'frown.gif',
'somePage.html' => 'grim.gif',
'anotherPage.php' => 'smile.gif'

# Randomize the array!
key_shuffle( $images );

# Output the first ( random ) element
echo '<a href="'. key( $images ) .'"><img src="'. current( $images ) .'"></a>';

function key_shuffle (&$array) {
/* Auxiliary array to hold the new order */
$aux = array();
/* We work with an array of the keys */
$keys = array_keys($array);
/* We shuffle the keys */
/* We iterate thru' the new order of the keys */
foreach($keys as $key) {
   	/* We insert the key, value pair in its new order */
	$aux[$key] = $array[$key];
	/* We remove the element from the old array to save memory */
/* The auxiliary array with the new order overwrites the old variable */
$array = $aux;


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Here is the whole index.php page


copy the below code into any php file! 

<a href="http://www.p.com"><img src='rotate.php?i=0'>image #1 
<a href="http://www.phone.com"><img src='rotate.php?i=1'>image #2 
<a href="http://www.phe.com"><img src='rotate.php?i=2'>image #3

then this is the rotate php page. 

// rotate images randomly but w/o dups on same page - format: 
// <img src='rotate.php?i=0'> - rotate image #0 - use 'i=1' 
// for second, etc 
// (c) 2004 David Pankhurst - use freely, but please leave in my credit 
$images=array( // list of files to rotate - add as needed 
"smile.gif" ); 
$secondsFixed=10; // seconds to keep list the same 
for ($i=0;$i<$total;++$i) // shuffle list 'randomly' 
$temp =$images[$i]; 
$index=(int)($_GET['i']); // image index passed in 
$i=$index%$total; // make sure index always in bounds 
header("Location: $file"); // and pass file reference back 


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// Creating Arrays [this should be above all your HTML code //

$images=array( // list of files to rotate - add as needed 
"smile.gif" ); 

$links = array( // list of links to rotate - add as needed
"http://www.lol.com );

function randomize()
  return = (rand()%4)+1; // generates a random number 1-4

function display_image($random) { //prints the image with the correct link
  echo "<a href=\"".$links[$random]."\"><img src=\"".$images[$random]."\"></a>";

//Where ever you need to display a random image input --

$random = randomize();

Hope this helped


Sorry there was a small mistake which I addressed

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You may want to re-vamp it a little... you want to generate a number between 0-3 inclusively ( array keys start at 0 )


And rather than use



You can just use

rand( 0, 3 )


Or even better

mt_rand( 0, 3 )

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So you guys know this is hard for me to comprehend here lol.


You confused me when you said it goes above all the html. Does that mean it goes in the php rotate page? And then I keep the index.php page how it is with this code below?


copy the below code into any php file! 

<img src='rotate.php?i=0'>image #1 
<img src='rotate.php?i=1'>image #2 
<img src='rotate.php?i=2'>image #3


then in the rotate php I'm going to put


$images=array( // list of files to rotate - add as needed 
"smile.gif" ); 

$links = array( // list of links to rotate - add as needed
"http://www.lol.com );

function randomize()
  return = (rand()%4)+1; // generates a random number 1-4

function display_image($random) { //prints the image with the correct link
  echo "<a href=\"".$links[$random]."\"><img src=\"".$images[$random]."\"></a>";

//Where ever you need to display a random image input --

$random = randomize();


between the php code?


I'm sorry I'm getting confused.


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You might have just made my day. One other question though. I want to have 5 images across the screen and unlimited up and down. So I may have 10 rows of 5 across. Would I just make a table and put the part of the code you told me to put where I want each picture to appear in it's own table or is there an easier way?


Give me long enough and I just might confuse you!

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This gets bit trickier, cause you have to loop through images, then check to see if you've looped through 5, insert a linebreak if you have, and continue...


Give it a shot and post up an attempt, and I'll help you from there :D

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This should create that table



$COL = 10; // Number of cols
$ROW = 5; // Number of rows

echo "<table>";
for($y = 0; $y < $COL; $y++) {
 echo "<tr>";
 for($x = 0; $x < $ROW; $x++) {
   $random = randomize();
   echo "<td>";
   echo "</td>";
 echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";


since everyone is displayin their email i might as well to

skittalz_sbrown at hotmail dot com

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