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Alright, probably not the most descriptive title for the topic, but I figured it'd be the easiest way to get the message across. Basically, I'm trying to implement the color picker found at http://www.nofunc.com/DHTML_Color_Picker/ for a little page I'm whipin together. The page basically consists of a bunch of a divs surrounding a bunch of inputs and a submit, in which when the submit button is pressed, the contents of the div are replaced by the output of a php file. Unfortunately, as soon as I insert the colorpicker into my page, my ajax call no longer works and I cannot update the contents of the div.


Here's some the code with all the unecessary stuff taken out for easier reading:

<link href="plugin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

$('load').style.display = 'none';

function send(){
var params = Form.serialize($('commentsForm'));
new Ajax.Updater('updateDiv', 'generator.php', {asynchronous:true, parameters:params});
$('load').style.display = 'block';


<div class="gen">
<div id="updateDiv">

   <div id="plugin" style="TOP: 58px; Z-INDEX: 20;">
<div id="plugCUR"></div><div id="plugHEX" onmousedown="stop=0; setTimeout('stop=1',100);">FFFFFF</div><br />
<div id="SV" onmousedown="HSVslide('SVslide','plugin',event)" title="Saturation + Value">

 <div id="SVslide" style="TOP: -4px; LEFT: -4px;"><br /></div>
<form id="H" onmousedown="HSVslide('Hslide','plugin',event)" title="Hue">
 <div id="Hslide" style="TOP: -7px; LEFT: -8px;"><br /></div>
 <div id="Hmodel"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

/* DHTML Color Picker : v1.0.4 : 2008/04/17 */
/* http://www.colorjack.com/software/dhtml+color+picker.html */

function $(v,o) { return((typeof(o)=='object'?o:document).getElementById(v)); }
function $S(o) { o=$(o); if(o) return(o.style); }
function abPos(o) { var o=(typeof(o)=='object'?o:$(o)), z={X:0,Y:0}; while(o!=null) { z.X+=o.offsetLeft; z.Y+=o.offsetTop; o=o.offsetParent; }; return(z); }
function agent(v) { return(Math.max(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(v),0)); }
function toggle(v) { $S(v).display=($S(v).display=='none'?'block':'none'); }
function within(v,a,z) { return((v>=a && v<=z)?true:false); }
function XY(e,v) { var z=agent('msie')?[event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft,event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop]:[e.pageX,e.pageY]; return(z[zero(v)]); }
function zero(v) { v=parseInt(v); return(!isNaN(v)?v:0); }


var maxValue={'H':360,'S':100,'V':100}, HSV={H:360, S:100, V:100};

var slideHSV={H:360, S:100, V:100}, zINDEX=15, stop=1;

function HSVslide(d,o,e) {

function tXY(e) { tY=XY(e,1)-ab.Y; tX=XY(e)-ab.X; }
function mkHSV(a,b,c) { return(Math.min(a,Math.max(0,Math.ceil((parseInt(c)/b)*a)))); }
function ckHSV(a,b) { if(within(a,0,b)) return(a); else if(a>b) return(b); else if(a<0) return('-'+oo); }
function drag(e) { if(!stop) { if(d!='drag') tXY(e);

	if(d=='SVslide') { ds.left=ckHSV(tX-oo,162)+'px'; ds.top=ckHSV(tY-oo,162)+'px';

		slideHSV.S=mkHSV(100,162,ds.left); slideHSV.V=100-mkHSV(100,162,ds.top); HSVupdate();

	else if(d=='Hslide') { var ck=ckHSV(tY-oo,163), r='HSV', z={};

		ds.top=(ck-5)+'px'; slideHSV.H=mkHSV(360,163,ck);

		for(var i in r) { i=r.substr(i,1); z[i]=(i=='H')?maxValue[i]-mkHSV(maxValue[i],163,ck):HSV[i]; }

		HSVupdate(z); $S('SV').backgroundColor='#'+color.HSV_HEX({H:HSV.H, S:100, V:100});

	else if(d=='drag') { ds.left=XY(e)+oX-eX+'px'; ds.top=XY(e,1)+oY-eY+'px'; }


if(stop) { stop=''; var ds=$S(d!='drag'?d:o);

	if(d=='drag') { var oX=parseInt(ds.left), oY=parseInt(ds.top), eX=XY(e), eY=XY(e,1); $S(o).zIndex=zINDEX++; }

	else { var ab=abPos($(o)), tX, tY, oo=(d=='Hslide')?2:4; ab.X+=10; ab.Y+=22; if(d=='SVslide') slideHSV.H=HSV.H; }

	document.onmousemove=drag; document.onmouseup=function(){ stop=1; document.onmousemove=''; document.onmouseup=''; }; drag(e);


function HSVupdate(v) { v=color.HSV_HEX(HSV=v?v:slideHSV);




function loadSV() { var z='';

for(var i=165; i>=0; i--) { z+="<div style=\"BACKGROUND: #"+color.HSV_HEX({H:Math.round((360/165)*i), S:100, V:100})+";\"><br /><\/div>"; }





color.cords=function(W) {

var W2=W/2, rad=(hsv.H/360)*(Math.PI*2), hyp=(hsv.S+(100-hsv.V))/100*(W2/2);



color.HEX=function(o) { o=Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(0,o),255));



color.RGB_HEX=function(o) { var fu=color.HEX; return(fu(o.R)+fu(o.G)+fu(o.B)); };

color.HSV_RGB=function(o) {
    var R, G, A, B, C, S=o.S/100, V=o.V/100, H=o.H/360;

    if(S>0) { if(H>=1) H=0;

        H=6*H; F=H-Math.floor(H);

        switch(Math.floor(H)) {

            case 0: R=V; G=C; B=A; break;
            case 1: R=B; G=V; B=A; break;
            case 2: R=A; G=V; B=C; break;
            case 3: R=A; G=B; B=V; break;
            case 4: R=C; G=A; B=V; break;
            case 5: R=V; G=A; B=B; break;


        return({'R':R?R:0, 'G':G?G:0, 'B':B?B:0, 'A':1});

    else return({'R':(V=Math.round(V*255)), 'G':V, 'B':V, 'A':1});


color.HSV_HEX=function(o) { return(color.RGB_HEX(color.HSV_RGB(o))); };

/* LOAD */


HSVupdate({H:0, S:0, V:20});



<form id="commentsForm" action="">
	<input id="textcolour" name="colour" value="" />

	<div id="load" style="text-align: left;">
		<img src="loading_dark.gif" alt="Loading..." />
	<br />

	<input name="sendbutton" type="button" class="inputss" value="Send" onclick="send();" />


I'm no JS expert as I'm more of a PHP guy, so I'm not really sure where the conflict is occuring. Err, actually, I have no idea. =P So, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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