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Cache PHP pages


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Here is my situation:


I run a game that I am trying to make multi lingual. There is a language file for every regular file. On the language files there are arrays of all the strings for each language. For example users.lang.php contains 6 arrays of 8 strings each, an array for each language and then all the strings in that language.


Now some of these pages are quite large, and have a lot of text 100-300 strings.


Is there a way to cache these php pages so that the server dosnt have to go through all the arrays each time? The language files will not be changing so I was hoping I could find a way to cache them to make it faster to access.


Any ideas?

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not sure this will help, but I do this with my scripts:

in my config.inc.php (the configuration file. yours may be named something else, of course)

$language = "en_US"; //can be en_GB, l_SP, IT, etc.

then in all my files, I have this:


and the lang_db.inc.php holds all the strings that I'll need translated.

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not sure this will help, but I do this with my scripts:

in my config.inc.php (the configuration file. yours may be named something else, of course)

$language = "en_US"; //can be en_GB, l_SP, IT, etc.

then in all my files, I have this:


and the lang_db.inc.php holds all the strings that I'll need translated.


The language files in one page would be far to large to load on every page. I only need a select chunk at any given moment. Most of my pages look like this:


include 'languages/main.php';
$lang = GetLang();

echo "Statement: $lang[0]";


And on main.php


function GetLang(){

$fr = array(
0 => "seulement rapporter les bogues dans le jeu pour eux.",
1 => "les modérateurs pour signaler des problèmes et des bugs à eux.",
2 => "pour aider les bureaux. S’il vous plaît demander jeu des questions qui leur sont confiées. ",
3 => "pour les personnes qui possèdent des casinos. ",
4 => "patrons pour la famille.",
5 => "la main droite pour les hommes.",
6 => "pour vos amis en ligne. ",

$de = array(
0 => "bericht nur bugs im spiel zu ihnen. ",
1 => "moderatoren für probleme und bugs zu ihnen",
2 => "für Help Desks. Bitte fragen sie spiel fragen zu ihnen. ",
3 => "für Menschen, die eigenen Casinos. ",
4 => "für Familie Bosse. ",
5 => "rechte hand für männer.",
6 => "für ihre online-freunde. ",


if($_SESSION['lang'] == 'en'){
	return $en;
} elseif($_SESSION['lang'] == 'fr'){
	return $fr;
} elseif($_SESSION['lang'] == 'de'){
	return $de;
} elseif($_SESSION['lang'] == 'it'){
	return $it;
} elseif($_SESSION['lang'] == 'sp'){
	return $sp;
} elseif($_SESSION['lang'] == 'nl'){
	return $nl;
} else {
	return $en;

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I was talking about having a folder for each language. something like this:








and have your script call the language file that it needs, either by hard-coding it, which I'm guessing you aren't wanting to do, or with session data.

then include that file.

for session stuff:


so, if their language is en_US, it will include languages/en_US/lang.inc.php rather than loading every possible language.

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I don't believe theres a way to cache it however for the sake of sanity if you only have 1 file per language I would do something like this

$lang = getLang();
require('languages/ . $lang . ".inc.php");

This would give one folder 'languages' with each language in its own file, which would clean up the folder contains the languages folders.

But thats just my opinion.

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