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Help with file transfer


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Sorry if this isnt purely php related but id be intrested to know if its possible in php too. Basically in my room i have my main computer with wamp installed and running a intranet to the rest of the pcs in my house. Now i got quite a large file on my main pc (the one running wamp) and i would like to pass it to the one downstairs. How hard is this to do. Also is it possible to do using wamp.


Can i get two answers to this, the quick easiest way - because i need to do it urgently

and the php way if the first answer says something like download this program and it will do it. Because im quite intrested in working this out in php too.



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Why not just share a folder and browse to it??


If the file is really big you could have issues with php timing out.


In order to do it with PHP you would have to set up an ftp server on the computer downstairs that way your computer can connect to it and send the file. PHP will not work well with file shares across a network.


Filezilla is a free ftp client/server google it.



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