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Variable Variables and Multidimminsional Arrays


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Im trying to build a function to pass over a given Dir and retrive files from given Dir and sub Dirs and then return an array built from the Dir structure. It is intended for a gallery page so that I can then bulid the page from said array. After a day of looking over Variable Variables and what I thought would be a reasonable simple bit of code I am at a loss to see where I am going wrong... code follows...


function list_files($parent_dir = '.') {
  //check vairable is a dir
  if(!is_dir($parent_dir)) {
    return false;
  else {
    //create arrays, put passed dir into dir list
    $file_list = array();
    $dir_list = array($parent_dir);
    //check dir list still has variables and grab last dir from list
    while( NULL !== ($dir = array_pop($dir_list))) {
      //open dir
      if( $dh = opendir($dir)) {
        //check dir for file and grab file from list
        while( false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
  //skip unwanted dirs
  if($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
          //set full path including file
          $file_path = $dir.'/'.$file;
          //if dir place in dir array
          if( is_dir($file_path)) {
  $dir_list[] = $file_path;
//if file place into file list array
        else {
  //pull parent dir off dir string
  $subdirs = substr($dir,strlen($parent_dir)+1);
  //break srting into dir pieces
  $array_dirs = explode("/", $subdirs);
  //cycle through pieces creating array structure
  foreach ($array_dirs as $array_dir) {
    $array_path .="[$array_dir]";
          //add file to file list using new array path
          $file_list{$array_path}[] = $file;
      //close dir
  //return value
  return $file_list;


which is producing this:


    [[meremere 27 dec 07]] => Array
            [0] => DSC00029_JPG.jpg
            [1] => DSC00030_JPG.jpg
            [2] => DSC00031_JPG.jpg
            [3] => DSC00033_JPG.jpg
            [4] => DSC00043_JPG.jpg
            [5] => DSC00059_JPG.jpg
            [6] => DSC00060_JPG.jpg
            [7] => DSC00061_JPG.jpg
            [8] => DSC00052_JPG.jpg
            [9] => DSC00036_JPG.jpg
            [10] => DSC00023_JPG.jpg
            [11] => DSC00026_JPG.jpg

    [[meremere 27 dec 07][thumbnails]] => Array
            [0] => 012.jpg
            [1] => 011.jpg
            [2] => 010.jpg
            [3] => 009.jpg
            [4] => 008.jpg
            [5] => 007.jpg
            [6] => 006.jpg
            [7] => 005.jpg
            [8] => 004.jpg
            [9] => 003.jpg
            [10] => 002.jpg
            [11] => 001.jpg



Obviously its producing a new array named after my array_path variable, not quite what I was after.

I want it to output a series of arrays, parrent and child, like a dir structure, without the extra set of square brackets if you will.


Hope this is clear,

Hope someone can help.




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I'm looking over the code right now, but just in case I get too busy to get back to it (at work), here's a "cleaned up" version of the code.  Indents are easier to follow:

function list_files($parent_dir = '.') {
//check vairable is a dir
if(!is_dir($parent_dir)) {
	return false;
else {
	//create arrays, put passed dir into dir list
	$file_list = array();
	$dir_list = array($parent_dir);
	//check dir list still has variables and grab last dir from list
	while( NULL !== ($dir = array_pop($dir_list))) {
		//open dir
		if( $dh = opendir($dir)) {
			//check dir for file and grab file from list
			while( false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
				//skip unwanted dirs
				if($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
				//set full path including file
				$file_path = $dir.'/'.$file;
				//if dir place in dir array
				if( is_dir($file_path)) {
					$dir_list[] = $file_path;
				//if file place into file list array
				else {
					//pull parent dir off dir string
					$subdirs = substr($dir,strlen($parent_dir)+1);
					//break srting into dir pieces
					$array_dirs = explode("/", $subdirs);
					//cycle through pieces creating array structure
					$array_path = array();
					foreach ($array_dirs as $array_dir) {
						$array_path[] = "[$array_dir]";
					//add file to file list using new array path
					$file_list{$array_path}[] = $file;
			//close dir
	//return value
	return $file_list;

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Looks like major overkill to me. Try this:


function get_structure($dir){
$structure = array();
foreach(glob($dir.'/*') as $v){
		$structure[basename($v)] = get_structure($v);
		$structure[] = basename($v); 
return $structure;

echo '<pre>'.print_r(get_structure('C:/wamp/www'),1).'</pre>';//note no backslash on end

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