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using gd to create thumbnails


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hey peeps


im trying to create a function (from one that i have already made(and works!)) that creats a thumbmail image from from an image on my server.


the function i made earlier is below:

//$result is the location of the image
//$picWidth is the width i want the image to be
//$imgDir is the directory that image is to be saved in

function createThumb($result, $picWidth, $imgDir) {
$poo = array();
if ($result == false) {
	//file could not be uploaded
	$poo[0] = false;
	$poo[1] = 1;
	return $poo;
	//file was uploaded. create thumbnail
	$file = pathinfo($result);
	//find the .ext
	$ext = $file['extension'];
	//strip .ext to lower
	$ext = strtolower($ext);
	//get image sizes
	$sizes = getimagesize($result);
	$ratio = $sizes[0]/$sizes[1];
	//create new height
	$newHeight = round($picWidth/$ratio);
	//create true colour image		
	$srcImg = imagecreatetruecolor($picWidth, $newHeight);
	if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
		$tmpImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($result);
	}elseif($ext == 'png') {
		$tmpImg = imagecreatefrompng($result);
	}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
		$tmpImg = imagecreatefromgif($result);
		$poo[0] = false;
		$poo[1] = 2;
		return $poo;
	//create destination image filename
	//get filename
	$name = $file['basename'];
	//dest filename
	$dstFile = $imgDir . $name;
	imagecopyresampled($srcImg, $tmpImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $picWidth, $newHeight, $sizes[0], $sizes[1]);
	//save image
	if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
		imagejpeg($srcImg, $dstFile, 100);
	}elseif($ext == 'png') {
		imagepng($scrImg, $dstFile, 100);
	}elseif($ext == 'gif') {
		imagegif($srcImg, $dstFile, 100);
		$poo[0] = false;
		$poo[1] = 3;
		return $poo;;

	$killSrc = imagedestroy($srcImg);
	$killTmp = imagedestroy($tmpImg);
	if($killSrc != false && $killTmp != false){
		$killOld = unlink($result);
		if($killOld != false){
			return $name;
			$poo[0] = false;
			$poo[1] = 4;
			return $poo;
		$poo[0] = false;
		$poo[1] = 5;
		return $poo;


the problem im having is the difference between landscape and protrait images.


if i made $picWidth = 150 then a lanscape image would be 150px wide and around 100px high.

if i used the function on a protrait image then it would be 150px wide and around 200px high.


how can i change the function to recognise the difference between landscape and protrait  and make the maximum width/height to whatever i set $picWidth at?




also. i think my function is quite sloppy, suggestions to improve it are welcome.

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This code is what I use. You should be able to adapt it to suite your needs. Simply use the getimagesize function to find out which is greater (width or height) and action the script accordingly.


$newwidth=$_GET[width]; //150
$prop = $width/$newwidth; // 300/150 = 2
$newheight= $height/$prop; // 2*300
$prop = $height/$newheight;
$newwidth= $width/$prop;

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Resizing proportionally is just simple maths:


To resize proportionally X1/Y1 = X2/Y2


Therefore, if you know X2 (e.g. the width is greater than height, so width = 800), then Y2 = Y1/X1 * X2 - by rearranging the above formula


Conversely, if you know Y2, then X2 = X1/Y1 * Y2


Edit: See here for an FAQ/code snippet for creating thumbnails.

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I wrote this function and posted on another forum quite a while ago.  May help you out....


    // Function to create GD thumbnail from original image 
    // by Jonny Thunder (www.badacid.net) 
    // Please leave this comment in tact if you use this function 
    function createthumbnail ($original_image, $target_image, $thumbsizemax, $issquare) { 
        $imagesize = @GetImageSize($original_image); 
        if ($issquare) { 
            if ($imagesize[0] > $imagesize[1]) { 
                $smallestdimension = $imagesize[1]; 
                $widthoffset       = ceil(($imagesize[0] - $imagesize[1]) / 2); 
                $heightoffset      = 0; 
            } else { 
                $smallestdimension = $imagesize[0]; 
                $widthoffset       = 0; 
                $heightoffset      = ceil(($imagesize[1] - $imagesize[0]) / 2); 
            $source_image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($original_image); 
            $temp_image1 = ImageCreateTrueColor($smallestdimension, $smallestdimension); 
            ImageCopyResampled($temp_image1, $source_image, 0, 0, $widthoffset, $heightoffset, $smallestdimension, $smallestdimension, $smallestdimension, $smallestdimension); 
            ImageJPEG($temp_image1, $target_image, 85);       
            $temp_image2 = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumbsizemax, $thumbsizemax); 
            ImageCopyResampled($temp_image2, $temp_image1, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbsizemax, $thumbsizemax, $smallestdimension, $smallestdimension); 
            ImageJPEG($temp_image2, $target_image, 85); 
        } else { 
            if ($imagesize[0] > $thumbsizemax) { 
                if ($imagesize[0] > $imagesize[1]) { 
                    $reducepercent = ( $thumbsizemax / $imagesize[0] ) * 100; 
                    $xsize = $thumbsizemax; 
                    $ysize = ceil(( $imagesize[1] / 100) * $reducepercent ); 
                } else { 
                    $reducepercent = ( $thumbsizemax / $imagesize[1] ) * 100; 
                    $xsize = ceil(( $imagesize[0] / 100) * $reducepercent ); 
                    $ysize = $thumbsizemax; 
            } else { 
                $xsize = $imagesize[0]; 
                $ysize = $imagesize[1]; 
            $source_image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($original_image); 
            $temp_image1 = ImageCreateTrueColor($xsize, $ysize); 
            ImageCopyResampled($temp_image1, $source_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $xsize, $ysize, $imagesize[0], $imagesize[1]); 
            ImageJPEG($temp_image1, $target_image, 85);       
        if (!file_exists($target_image)) { return false; } else { return true; } 



You have two options...


You can get the function to generate a square thumbnail by using this (for example)....


$thumbsize = 200;
$return = createthumbnail ("original image", "target thumbnail", $thumbsize, true);  



or you can create a proportional one (which will make the longest edge the size given)


$thumbsize = 200;
$return = createthumbnail ("original image", "target thumbnail", $thumbsize, false);  



Hope this helps!


EDIT:  This function is only for JPG - though it could be easily modified, and will give you pointers on how I did resizing.


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