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Right, I'm using a MySQL Query to select all the rows from a table. I'm also using mysql_num_rows to count how many rows there is. I'm also using - while ($sites=mysql_fetch_row($query)){ - which should put the rows into an array. How can I use PHP to check if the end of the array has been reached in a while loop or if the row number being checked is equal to the number of rows in total?

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I'm trying to use this code so far then:



$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sites");


while ($sites=mysql_fetch_row($query)){


while ($sites[$counter] != $numrows) {

$impressionsq = mysql_query("SELECT impressions FROM sites WHERE url='" . $sites[$counter] . "'");




$result = mysql_query("UPDATE sites SET weight=" . $weight . " WHERE `url`='" . $sites[$counter] . "';");

$counter += 1;



Although there are only 3 rows, the page looks like it isn't going to load...

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Right, what the script is supposed to do is it gets all of the sites from the sites table, puts them all into an array, and then updates all of their "weight" fields using this formula:


$weight = ceil($dmozbonus*$indexed*($impressions*$siteprbonus*5996)/(750000 - $impressions));


It all works fine when I've set it to do it for 1 site in the table based on a GET variable, I'm just trying to make it update all of them at once in one script automatically, so I need it to keep going along each site in the array and updating it, and then moving on to the next one until all of them have been updated.

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-- Table structure for table `sites`




  `url` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

  `user` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  `impressions` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

  `weight` varchar(25) NOT NULL




-- Dumping data for table `sites`



INSERT INTO `sites` (`url`, `user`, `impressions`, `weight`) VALUES

('www.milofi.com', 'blah3', '50000', '9594'),

('www.hello.com', 'blah2', '5', '0'),

('www.google.com', 'blah1', '5', '0');


The impressions field is the $impressions variable in the formula, the other variables come from data collected through the Yahoo API.

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Try this out


$query = "SELECT `impressions`, `url` FROM `sites`";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while ($sites = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$url = $sites['url'];
$impessions = $sites['impressions'];
$weight = ceil($dmozbonus*$indexed*($impressions*$siteprbonus*5996)/(750000 - $impressions));
$update = "UPDATE `sites` SET `weight` = '$weight' WHERE `url` = '$url'";
mysql_query($update) or die(mysql_error());



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Forget that last question, I have a more important one.


Now that it all updates fine, I want to add more to the loop.


I use this code:


$query = "SELECT 'weight' FROM `sites` WHERE user='$user'";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

$weightno = mysql_num_rows($result);

while ($sites = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){

$weight = $sites['weight'];

while ($sites['weight'] !== $weightno) {

$totalweight += $weight;


$query = "UPDATE 'user' SET weight='$totalweight' WHERE user='$user'";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());



This is in loop at the end. I use this code because now I want to also select all of the sites associated with a certain username and then add all of their weights together and put it into one variable to add that into another field in another table. The only problem with this one is that it doesn't actually update the database, and also, it stops after the first of the first loop, so it actually stops the first loop we were working on.


Any ideas?

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There is no need to count rows to get the loop to end. The while statement will only run as long as rows are being returned. It will stop on it's own when the end is reached.


Also remember that field names and table names should be in backticks (`) and field values should be in single quotes (').


$totalweight = 0;
$query = "SELECT `weight` FROM `sites` WHERE `user` = '$user'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while ($sites = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$totalweight += $sites['weight'];
$query = "UPDATE `user` SET `weight` = '$totalweight' WHERE `user` = '$user'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());




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