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Sort a Numbering System with Dashes in It


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My company has documents with a numbering system as follows:  1-1, 1-2, 2-3, 5-3, 10-2, 2-101, etc...  Numbers and dashes. I am storing info about these documents, such as these numbers in a mysql database and then outputting the info into an HTML table on the web page.  I was wanting to be able to sort the table ascending and descending based on this numbering system.  Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?  I tried converting the dashes to decimals but that fails whenever you have more than two numbers after the dash. Any help would be appreciated.

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$arr = array (

sort ($arr);
echo '<pre>', print_r($arr, true), '</pre>';

/* gives
    [0] => 1-1
    [1] => 1-2
    [2] => 10-2
    [3] => 2-101
    [4] => 2-3
    [5] => 5-3

// however, with natsort()
echo '<pre>', print_r($arr, true), '</pre>';
/* gives
    [0] => 1-1
    [1] => 1-2
    [4] => 2-3
    [3] => 2-101
    [5] => 5-3
    [2] => 10-2




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  Thanks for the reply. natsort() seems to sort like I want it.  However I am not sure how to use it to make the whole table sort by that field(the field that has been sorted using natsort())  I am relatively new to php. Any help would be appreciated.



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MySQL doesn't have a natsort so you could


a ) read all data into an array and natsort the array,

or, if tables too large

b ) split code into two int parts and ORDER BY code1, code2


code1 = LEFT(code, LOCATE('-', code)-1),
code2 = RIGHT(code, LENGTH(code) - LOCATE('-', code))

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OK. I tried the code but I'm not sure I coded this right or understood your code sample.  My original field with the numbers and dashes is called Exhibit Number.  I added the two new fields called code1 and code2, according to how I understood your code.  When I ran the query, all it did was insert 'Exhibit Number' into the code2 field.


Here is the query: 

"update exhibits set code1 = LEFT('`Exhibit Number`', LOCATE('-', '`Exhibit Number`')-1), code2 = RIGHT('`Exhibit Number`', LENGTH('`Exhibit Number`') - LOCATE('-', '`Exhibit Number`'))"

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