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Run a PHP Script at the end of a timer?


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How would I run a php file at the end of a javascript timer...the timer I am using is below:

<script type="text/javascript">

var alertTimerId = 0;

function alertTimerClickHandler ( )
  if ( document.getElementById("alertTimerButton").value == "Click me and wait 30 min" )
    // Start the timer
    document.getElementById("alertTimerButton").value = "Click me to stop the timer!";
    alertTimerId = setTimeout ( "showAlert()", 1800000 );
    document.getElementById("alertTimerButton").value = "Click me and wait!";
    clearTimeout ( alertTimerId );

function showAlert ( )
  alert ( "Congratz Your Flight Has Finished! You Received $600!" );
  document.getElementById("alertTimerButton").value = "Click me and wait!";


thank you in advance!

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okay not on another page but it would have to be a script in the same file so they can't go directly to the file and receive the cash... and sorry about the double post wouldn't let me edit the previous post. it would be a simple mysql query update. Thanks again

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well after this timer reaches zero i'd like it to go to the php file and update the mysql. I have no idea how to do this in Javascript, but javascript is the only countdown timer that I found that is proficient enough to do long periods

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well if it is that you want to do the update without the page reloading you should read up on some ajax tutorials. try out some stuff and see what it does. the easiest way is to use javascript frameworks such as jquery prototype or dojo etc. but the basics described here where I originally learned it from 2 years ago would work.



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