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[SOLVED] Math function within a query for output


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I probably didn't put the subject quite right.  But, here is what I want to do.  I have a query that gets info from two tables and I show it on a page using Baagrid.  This works just fine.  Now I want to take it a step further.  In the query I have 3 fields, Qnty, Cost and Quote price.  What I want to do is somehow have the Cost multiplied by the Qnty to equal Ext Cost and to have Quote Price multiplied by the Qnty to equal the Extended Quote Price.  Then I want to put it into Baagrid so I can run a total. for both the extended cost and the extended quote price.  Is it possible to do this?  I would rather do this using a query rather that creating a new table or anything like that as I might be moving away from the current DB to another.


Here's my code:

// Connection to the Database

      $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "xxxxxxxx");
      mysql_select_db ('mydb',$conn);



//******Query to get the ticket information for the PDF*************
$sql =  "SELECT
Inner Join vtiger_products ON vtiger_products.productid = vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid
Inner Join vtiger_productcf ON vtiger_productcf.productid = vtiger_products.productid
vtiger_inventoryproductrel.id =  '$myvar'";

//************End Query****************

include ('baaGrid.php');
$grid = new baaGrid ($sql);
$grid->showErrors(); // just in case
$grid->setHeadings("Qnty,Part#,Mfg Part #,Description,Our Cost,Quote Price");


Thanks for looking!

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