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I've searched high and low for this.. but nothing.


I decided that the code on my site is quite inefficient.. so I thought that I'd put it to the test and time how long it takes to create the page on the server side.. I got different answers on each refresh varying from 0.05 seconds to 0.08. Is this good or bad?


Also, I saw on another thread that somebody had submitted a log from an online program that apparently searches for vulnerabilities in websites.. anyone know what this is?


Many Thanks.


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.05-.08s is pretty fast.  But does that mean your code is optimal? There's no way we can tell you if .05-.08s is good for your script or not, seeing as how we don't know how long your script is or what it's doing. 


And it would probably be easier for people to help you out if you provided a link to the thread/post concerning the log.  I mean well, helpful for me, anyways.  My crystal ball cracked last week and it's still in the shop. 



Thank you for your reply.  I appreciate your help.. what I don't appreciate however is your sarcasm.. I told you what the website did.. it is not necessary to know who submitted it and to which thread that they submitted it to.


Thanks once again.

Don't like sarcasm? Avoid being stupidly vague then. You're first question was a "how long's a piece of string" question; your second seems to assume that either we happen to know every website in existance, or have read every thread on the forum.



Thank you for your reply.  I appreciate your help.. what I don't appreciate however is your sarcasm.. I told you what the website did.. it is not necessary to know who submitted it and to which thread that they submitted it to.


Thanks once again.


GIGO.  Nothin' personal.


p.s.- You did not say anything about what your website did, only that you decided to test how fast it did whatever it is it did.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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