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Multiple Quantity Fields On Form


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Got a bit of an interesting problem here regarding quantity fields on a dynamically generated form in a shopping cart.


On the view product page, what I am trying to do is have it so there is a form a customer can fill out specifying a quantity for each option available.

All options relate directly to the product being viewed.


1 x red colored widget

5 x black colored widgets

0 x white colored widgets

2 x blue colored widgets


Here is the query I am currently running to retrieve the available options for a product:


if($prodArray == TRUE && $prodArray[0]['subOptionsStatus']==1){

$subOptionsQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."inventory_sub_options WHERE subOptionStatus = 1 AND subOptionProductId = ".$db->mySQLSafe($_GET['productId'])." ORDER BY subOptionIdSortId ";
$subOptionsResults = $db->select($subOptionsQuery);


if($subOptionsResults == TRUE){

for ($i=0; $i<count($subOptionsResults); $i++){

	$view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_ID", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionId']);
	$view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_GENDER", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionGender']);
	$view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_COLOR", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionColor']);
	$view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_STYLE", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionStyle']);
	$view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_SIZE", $subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionSize']);
	$view_prod->assign("VAL_SUB_OPTION_PRICE", priceFormat($subOptionsResults[$i]['subOptionPrice']));





That so far does exactly what I want.


Then there is the html for the form itself.

Here is what I currently have:


		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="1">

			<td align="center" colspan="6"><strong>Title Goes Here</strong></td>

			<td align="center"><strong>Gender</strong></td>
			<td align="center"><strong>Color</strong></td>
			<td align="center"><strong>Style</strong></td>
			<td align="center"><strong>Size</strong></td>
			<td align="center"><strong>Price</strong></td>
			<td align="center"><strong>Qty</strong></td>

		<!-- BEGIN: sub_option_loop -->

			<td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_GENDER}</td>
			<td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_COLOR}</td>
			<td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_STYLE}</td>
			<td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_SIZE}</td>
			<td align="center">{VAL_SUB_OPTION_PRICE}</td>
			<td align="center">
			<input name="subOptionQuantity[]" type="text" value="0" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;" />
			<input type="hidden" name="multiadd" value="{VAL_SUB_OPTION_ID}" />

		<!-- END: sub_option_loop -->

		<input type="hidden" name="multiAddMaster" value="{PRODUCT_ID}" />



Now I don't think that is quite correct when it comes to the fields themselves, but visually it achieves what I want to be displayed.


Finally, there is the code to run when the form itself gets submitted.

The standard code for just a single product is like this:


if(isset($_POST['add']) && $_POST['add']>0) {

// add product to the cart
	$quantity = ceil($_POST['quan']);
} else {
	$quantity = 1;



As above, that is simply how it adds a single product based off quantity entered.

Obviously it does more after all that, but i am just trying to get the initial stage working first.


My 2 questions are:

1. What changes need to be made to the HTML code I am currently using?

2. How do I do the add quantity for each one specified in the form using the above as an example?

If the quantity is at 0, I want it ignored.

If the quantity is greater than 0, its to be added as its own entry.


Once I get past this initial stage, I am hoping it ends up basically adding each as its own product to the cart.

Any help provided getting started here would be greatly appreciated.


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if you have


<input name="subOptionQuantity[{VAL_SUB_OPTION_ID}]" type="text" value="0" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;" />


To process

foreach ($_POST['subOptionQuantity'] as $id => $qty)
    // now you have id and qty to process as required


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