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The following JavaScript code displays a clock in a <p id="time"></p> element on a web page and updates the clock once per minute.


When letting this code run for ~10 minutes under FireFox on Ubuntu 6.10 and Mac OS X, Firefox eventually becomes unresponsive. A CPU check shows Firefox consuming +100% of the CPU.


Am I losing my mind or did I code something incorrect?

I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.


window.onload = function() {

* Execute the following functions in the order they appear after the webpage loads.
* The reason being, the DOM needs to finish loading in order for these functions to
* manipulate certain elements.


function displayTime() {
var date = new Date();
var hour = date.getHours();  // Returns 0-23.
var minutes = date.getMinutes(); // Returns 0-59.

// Is it AM or PM?
if (hour >= 12) {
	var ampm = "PM";
} else {
	ampm = "AM";

// Convert hours format from 24 hour to 12 hour format.
if (hour > 12) {
	hour = hour - 12;

// Convert hour 0 to 12.
if (hour == 0) {
	hour = 12;

// Convert minutes format to mm for 0-9.
if (minutes < 10) {
	minutes = "0" + minutes;

// Put everything together to form the current time.
var time = hour + ":" + minutes + " " + ampm;

// Display the time on the webpage.
var paraTime = document.getElementById("time");

if (paraTime.childNodes.length > 0) {  // Meaning it has childNodes. hasChildNodes doesn't work.


// Update the clock every one minute.
setInterval(displayTime, 60000);

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Nevermind, I figured out what the problem was.  I'm embarrassed, haha.


I decided to replace setInterval with setTimeout, since setTimeout executes displayTime once and then stops.

Whereas setInterval continuously executes a piece of code.  So, after 10 minutes, 11 intervals would be scheduled - not what I wanted.



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