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mostly you can rip this from a site :)


<select name="state" id="state">
<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>
<option value="AR">Arkansas</option>
<option value="CA">California</option>
<option value="CO">Colorado</option>
<option value="CT">Connecticut</option>
<option value="DE">Delaware</option>
<option value="FL">Florida</option>
<option value="GA">Georgia</option>
<option value="HI">Hawaii</option>
<option value="ID">Idaho</option>
<option value="IL">Illinois</option>
<option value="IN">Indiana</option>
<option value="IA">Iowa</option>
<option value="KS">Kansas</option>
<option value="KY">Kentucky</option>
<option value="LA">Louisiana</option>
<option value="ME">Maine</option>
<option value="MD">Maryland</option>
<option value="MA">Massachusetts</option>
<option value="MI">Michigan</option>
<option value="MN">Minnesota</option>
<option value="MS">Mississippi</option>
<option value="MO">Missouri</option>
<option value="MT">Montana</option>
<option value="NE">Nebraska</option>
<option value="NV">Nevada</option>
<option value="NH">New Hampshire</option>
<option value="NJ">New Jersey</option>
<option value="NM">New Mexico</option>
<option value="NY">New York</option>
<option value="NC">North Carolina</option>
<option value="ND">North Dakota</option>
<option value="OH" selected>Ohio</option>
<option value="OK">Oklahoma</option>
<option value="OR">Oregon</option>
<option value="PA">Pennsylvania</option>
<option value="RI">Rhode Island</option>
<option value="SC">South Carolina</option>
<option value="SD">South Dakota</option>
<option value="TN">Tennessee</option>
<option value="TX">Texas</option>
<option value="UT">Utah</option>
<option value="VT">Vermont</option>
<option value="VA">Virginia</option>
<option value="WA">Washington</option>
<option value="WV">West Virginia</option>
<option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>
<option value="WY">Wyoming</option>

I have that.


What I need is a DB with all states, counties and cities associated.


I know this is a huge request...but I'm sure it's out there somewhere.


I just wan't to know if anyone out there is sharing the SQL-import or XML-spreadsheet.




do you want something like this ?




INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (1, 'Afghanistan', 'AF', 'AFG');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (2, 'Albania', 'AL', 'ALB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (3, 'Algeria', 'DZ', 'DZA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (4, 'American Samoa', 'AS', 'ASM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (5, 'Andorra', 'AD', 'AND');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (6, 'Angola', 'AO', 'AGO');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (7, 'Anguilla', 'AI', 'AIA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (8, 'Antarctica', 'AQ', 'ATA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (9, 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'AG', 'ATG');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (10, 'Argentina', 'AR', 'ARG');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (11, 'Armenia', 'AM', 'ARM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (12, 'Aruba', 'AW', 'ABW');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (13, 'Australia', 'AU', 'AUS');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (14, 'Austria', 'AT', 'AUT');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (15, 'Azerbaijan', 'AZ', 'AZE');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (16, 'Bahamas', 'BS', 'BHS');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (17, 'Bahrain', 'BH', 'BHR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (18, 'Bangladesh', 'BD', 'BGD');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (19, 'Barbados', 'BB', 'BRB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (20, 'Belarus', 'BY', 'BLR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (21, 'Belgium', 'BE', 'BEL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (22, 'Belize', 'BZ', 'BLZ');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (23, 'Benin', 'BJ', 'BEN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (24, 'Bermuda', 'BM', 'BMU');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (25, 'Bhutan', 'BT', 'BTN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (26, 'Bolivia', 'BO', 'BOL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (27, 'Bosnia and Herzegowina', 'BA', 'BIH');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (28, 'Botswana', 'BW', 'BWA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (29, 'Bouvet Island', 'BV', 'BVT');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (30, 'Brazil', 'BR', 'BRA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (31, 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'IO', 'IOT');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (32, 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BN', 'BRN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (33, 'Bulgaria', 'BG', 'BGR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (34, 'Burkina Faso', 'BF', 'BFA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (35, 'Burundi', 'BI', 'BDI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (36, 'Cambodia', 'KH', 'KHM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (37, 'Cameroon', 'CM', 'CMR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (38, 'Canada', 'CA', 'CAN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (39, 'Cape Verde', 'CV', 'CPV');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (40, 'Cayman Islands', 'KY', 'CYM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (41, 'Central African Republic', 'CF', 'CAF');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (42, 'Chad', 'TD', 'TCD');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (43, 'Chile', 'CL', 'CHL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (44, 'China', 'CN', 'CHN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (45, 'Christmas Island', 'CX', 'CXR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (46, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CC', 'CCK');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (47, 'Colombia', 'CO', 'COL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (48, 'Comoros', 'KM', 'COM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (49, 'Congo', 'CG', 'COG');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (50, 'Cook Islands', 'CK', 'COK');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (51, 'Costa Rica', 'CR', 'CRI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (52, 'Cote D\'Ivoire', 'CI', 'CIV');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (53, 'Croatia', 'HR', 'HRV');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (54, 'Cuba', 'CU', 'CUB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (55, 'Cyprus', 'CY', 'CYP');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (56, 'Czech Republic', 'CZ', 'CZE');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (57, 'Denmark', 'DK', 'DNK');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (58, 'Djibouti', 'DJ', 'DJI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (59, 'Dominica', 'DM', 'DMA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (60, 'Dominican Republic', 'DO', 'DOM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (61, 'East Timor', 'TP', 'TMP');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (62, 'Ecuador', 'EC', 'ECU');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (63, 'Egypt', 'EG', 'EGY');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (64, 'El Salvador', 'SV', 'SLV');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (65, 'Equatorial Guinea', 'GQ', 'GNQ');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (66, 'Eritrea', 'ER', 'ERI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (67, 'Estonia', 'EE', 'EST');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (68, 'Ethiopia', 'ET', 'ETH');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (69, 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'FK', 'FLK');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (70, 'Faroe Islands', 'FO', 'FRO');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (71, 'Fiji', 'FJ', 'FJI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (72, 'Finland', 'FI', 'FIN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (73, 'France', 'FR', 'FRA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (74, 'France, Metropolitan', 'FX', 'FXX');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (75, 'French Guiana', 'GF', 'GUF');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (76, 'French Polynesia', 'PF', 'PYF');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (77, 'French Southern Territories', 'TF', 'ATF');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (78, 'Gabon', 'GA', 'GAB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (79, 'Gambia', 'GM', 'GMB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (80, 'Georgia', 'GE', 'GEO');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (81, 'Germany', 'DE', 'DEU');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (82, 'Ghana', 'GH', 'GHA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (83, 'Gibraltar', 'GI', 'GIB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (84, 'Greece', 'GR', 'GRC');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (85, 'Greenland', 'GL', 'GRL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (86, 'Grenada', 'GD', 'GRD');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (87, 'Guadeloupe', 'GP', 'GLP');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (88, 'Guam', 'GU', 'GUM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (89, 'Guatemala', 'GT', 'GTM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (90, 'Guinea', 'GN', 'GIN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (91, 'Guinea-bissau', 'GW', 'GNB');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (92, 'Guyana', 'GY', 'GUY');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (93, 'Haiti', 'HT', 'HTI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (94, 'Heard and Mc Donald Islands', 'HM', 'HMD');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (95, 'Honduras', 'HN', 'HND');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (96, 'Hong Kong', 'HK', 'HKG');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (97, 'Hungary', 'HU', 'HUN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (98, 'Iceland', 'IS', 'ISL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (99, 'India', 'IN', 'IND');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (100, 'Indonesia', 'ID', 'IDN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (101, 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)', 'IR', 'IRN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (102, 'Iraq', 'IQ', 'IRQ');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (103, 'Ireland', 'IE', 'IRL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (104, 'Israel', 'IL', 'ISR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (105, 'Italy', 'IT', 'ITA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (106, 'Jamaica', 'JM', 'JAM');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (107, 'Japan', 'JP', 'JPN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (108, 'Jordan', 'JO', 'JOR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (109, 'Kazakhstan', 'KZ', 'KAZ');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (110, 'Kenya', 'KE', 'KEN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (111, 'Kiribati', 'KI', 'KIR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (112, 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of', 'KP', 'PRK');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (113, 'Korea, Republic of', 'KR', 'KOR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (114, 'Kuwait', 'KW', 'KWT');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (115, 'Kyrgyzstan', 'KG', 'KGZ');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (116, 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic', 'LA', 'LAO');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (117, 'Latvia', 'LV', 'LVA');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (118, 'Lebanon', 'LB', 'LBN');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (119, 'Lesotho', 'LS', 'LSO');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (120, 'Liberia', 'LR', 'LBR');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (121, 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'LY', 'LBY');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (122, 'Liechtenstein', 'LI', 'LIE');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (123, 'Lithuania', 'LT', 'LTU');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (124, 'Luxembourg', 'LU', 'LUX');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (125, 'Macau', 'MO', 'MAC');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (126, 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of', 'MK', 'MKD');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (127, 'Madagascar', 'MG', 'MDG');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (128, 'Malawi', 'MW', 'MWI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (129, 'Malaysia', 'MY', 'MYS');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (130, 'Maldives', 'MV', 'MDV');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (131, 'Mali', 'ML', 'MLI');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (132, 'Malta', 'MT', 'MLT');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (133, 'Marshall Islands', 'MH', 'MHL');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (134, 'Martinique', 'MQ', 'MTQ');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (135, 'Mauritania', 'MR', 'MRT');
INSERT INTO COUNTRIES_TABLE (countryID, country_name, country_iso_2, country_iso_3) VALUES (136, 'Mauritius', 'MU', 'MUS');


Obviously its quite larger but its a example

Exactly...But... US States, Counties and Cities


Big list I know.


I am still searching the net.  I was hoping you all have something like that laying around somewhere.




This site has it.


Thank again!!!

INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (1, 223, 'AL', 'Alabama');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (2, 223, 'AK', 'Alaska');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (4, 223, 'AZ', 'Arizona');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (5, 223, 'AR', 'Arkansas');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (12, 223, 'CA', 'California');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (13, 223, 'CO', 'Colorado');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (14, 223, 'CT', 'Connecticut');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (15, 223, 'DE', 'Delaware');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (16, 223, 'DC', 'District of Columbia');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (18, 223, 'FL', 'Florida');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (19, 223, 'GA', 'Georgia');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (21, 223, 'HI', 'Hawaii');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (22, 223, 'ID', 'Idaho');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (23, 223, 'IL', 'Illinois');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (24, 223, 'IN', 'Indiana');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (25, 223, 'IA', 'Iowa');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (26, 223, 'KS', 'Kansas');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (27, 223, 'KY', 'Kentucky');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (28, 223, 'LA', 'Louisiana');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (29, 223, 'ME', 'Maine');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (30, 223, 'MH', 'Marshall Islands');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (31, 223, 'MD', 'Maryland');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (32, 223, 'MA', 'Massachusetts');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (33, 223, 'MI', 'Michigan');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (34, 223, 'MN', 'Minnesota');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (35, 223, 'MS', 'Mississippi');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (36, 223, 'MO', 'Missouri');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (37, 223, 'MT', 'Montana');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (38, 223, 'NE', 'Nebraska');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (39, 223, 'NV', 'Nevada');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (40, 223, 'NH', 'New Hampshire');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (41, 223, 'NJ', 'New Jersey');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (42, 223, 'NM', 'New Mexico');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (43, 223, 'NY', 'New York');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (44, 223, 'NC', 'North Carolina');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (45, 223, 'ND', 'North Dakota');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (47, 223, 'OH', 'Ohio');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (48, 223, 'OK', 'Oklahoma');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (49, 223, 'OR', 'Oregon');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (51, 223, 'PA', 'Pennsylvania');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (53, 223, 'RI', 'Rhode Island');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (54, 223, 'SC', 'South Carolina');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (55, 223, 'SD', 'South Dakota');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (56, 223, 'TN', 'Tennessee');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (57, 223, 'TX', 'Texas');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (58, 223, 'UT', 'Utah');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (59, 223, 'VT', 'Vermont');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (60, 223, 'VI', 'Virgin Islands');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (61, 223, 'VA', 'Virginia');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (62, 223, 'WA', 'Washington');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (63, 223, 'WV', 'West Virginia');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (64, 223, 'WI', 'Wisconsin');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (65, 223, 'WY', 'Wyoming');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (66, 38, 'AB', 'Alberta');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (67, 38, 'BC', 'British Columbia');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (68, 38, 'MB', 'Manitoba');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (69, 38, 'NF', 'Newfoundland');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (70, 38, 'NB', 'New Brunswick');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (71, 38, 'NS', 'Nova Scotia');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (72, 38, 'NT', 'Northwest Territories');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (73, 38, 'NU', 'Nunavut');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (74, 38, 'ON', 'Ontario');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (75, 38, 'PE', 'Prince Edward Island');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (76, 38, 'QC', 'Quebec');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (77, 38, 'SK', 'Saskatchewan');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (78, 38, 'YT', 'Yukon Territory');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (79, 81, 'NDS', 'Niedersachsen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (80, 81, 'BAW', 'Baden-Württemberg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (81, 81, 'BAY', 'Bayern');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (82, 81, 'BER', 'Berlin');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (83, 81, 'BRG', 'Brandenburg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (84, 81, 'BRE', 'Bremen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (85, 81, 'HAM', 'Hamburg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (86, 81, 'HES', 'Hessen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (87, 81, 'MEC', 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (88, 81, 'NRW', 'Nordrhein-Westfalen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (89, 81, 'RHE', 'Rheinland-Pfalz');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (90, 81, 'SAR', 'Saarland');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (91, 81, 'SAS', 'Sachsen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (92, 81, 'SAC', 'Sachsen-Anhalt');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (93, 81, 'SCN', 'Schleswig-Holstein');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (94, 81, 'THE', 'Thüringen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (95, 14, 'WI', 'Wien');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (96, 14, 'NO', 'Niederösterreich');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (97, 14, 'OO', 'Oberösterreich');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (98, 14, 'SB', 'Salzburg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (99, 14, 'KN', 'Kärnten');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (100, 14, 'ST', 'Steiermark');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (101, 14, 'TI', 'Tirol');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (102, 14, 'BL', 'Burgenland');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (103, 14, 'VB', 'Voralberg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (104, 204, 'AG', 'Aargau');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (105, 204, 'AI', 'Appenzell Innerrhoden');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (106, 204, 'AR', 'Appenzell Ausserrhoden');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (107, 204, 'BE', 'Bern');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (108, 204, 'BL', 'Basel-Landschaft');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (109, 204, 'BS', 'Basel-Stadt');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (110, 204, 'FR', 'Freiburg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (111, 204, 'GE', 'Genf');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (112, 204, 'GL', 'Glarus');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (113, 204, 'JU', 'Graubünden');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (114, 204, 'JU', 'Jura');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (115, 204, 'LU', 'Luzern');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (116, 204, 'NE', 'Neuenburg');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (117, 204, 'NW', 'Nidwalden');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (118, 204, 'OW', 'Obwalden');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (119, 204, 'SG', 'St. Gallen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (120, 204, 'SH', 'Schaffhausen');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (121, 204, 'SO', 'Solothurn');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (122, 204, 'SZ', 'Schwyz');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (123, 204, 'TG', 'Thurgau');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (124, 204, 'TI', 'Tessin');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (125, 204, 'UR', 'Uri');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (126, 204, 'VD', 'Waadt');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (127, 204, 'VS', 'Wallis');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (128, 204, 'ZG', 'Zug');
INSERT INTO ZONES_TABLE (zoneID, countryID, zone_code, zone_name) VALUES (129, 204, 'ZH', 'Zürich');

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