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[SOLVED] Post form data multiple places


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Here is what I am trying to do:


1) User fills out form on mysite.com

2) Data is posted to mysite.com/thanks.php

3) Data is also posted to differentsite.com/thanks.php

4) User stays on mysite.com/thanks.php


I tried to do this with curl but it keep redirecting the user to differentsite.com.

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Just make the information that is posting to mysite.com/thanks.php and differentsite.com/thanks.php a function then you can just redirect the customer to your mysite.com/thanks.php page.


It's the best I can tell you without seing your coding I can't see what might be causing the problem.


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Here you go this should get you started.:


function database_connect()
$dbhost     = "blabla";			// Database host
$dbname     = "blablan";			// Database name
$dbusername = "blabla";			// Database user name
$dbuserpw   = "blabla";			// Database password

mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpw);  	//Connects to the mysql database area
$result = mysql_select_db($dbname);   //Connects to the specific database and saves the result as result.
if (!$result)
return false;  //Connected
return true;  //not connected
You should have a form that post to itself and checks to make sure everything is entered and you can search these forums for today I have already posted that for someone else.

//insert the new customer into the database
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO members VALUES ('', '$name', '$address', '$email')") or die(mysql_error());

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No, I didn't.  My code is below, where would I add that?


$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"http://www.mywebsite.com/thanks.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,

curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch); 

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Add it in with the other options. It doesn't matter on the order:




By default, the reponse to the cURL request will be echoed to the screen. This prevents that. If you do assign the return value of curl_exec() to a variable, the response will be stored there. E.g.


$reponse = curl_exec($ch);
//check to see if form was submitted successfully. e.g. with regex


Incidently, you might also need to set the submit button's value with your request. It is not uncommon for the submission of a form to be detected by checking the submit button has been set. If you don't do this and the site requires it, the form wont get posted.

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