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ordering my images


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Okay he is my script that I've cobbled together, it used to work fine in till I changed server


it's purpose it to read a directory (in this case /img) decide if images are in that folder

and then output the file names in xml format


now this worked fine in till I moved server when the xml file started displaying the image names

non alphabetically (I can't have this happening I need my images in order, I have a lot of them and to rename

them all would be impractical)


this is where I need your help have a look through the code and help me re-write my code


so that it outputs image file names alphabetically again



//define the xml standard
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>";

//this section calculates the image names in the directory
$imgdir = 'img/'; // the directory, where your images are stored
$allowed_types = array('png','jpg','jpeg','gif'); // list of filetypes you want to show

$dimg = opendir($imgdir);

echo "\n<gallery>

while($imgfile = readdir($dimg))
        echo '    <url>img/' . $imgfile . "</url>\n";

echo '  </image>


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hmm yeah I was just thinking that


can you help me construct the new array (I'm still relatively new to php)

we've got the imgfile string reading all the files so we need to feed those values

into our new array so


$imgfile = array ();


Would work? I don't know if php will automatically fill my array with the strings


also I guess I would need to convert the array back to strings to echo it out properly?

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Try this:


//define the xml standard
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>";

//this section calculates the image names in the directory
$imgdir = 'img/'; // the directory, where your images are stored
$allowed_types = array('png','jpg','jpeg','gif'); // list of filetypes you want to show

$dimg = opendir($imgdir);

echo "\n<gallery>

$imgs = array();//create the blank array

while($imgfile = readdir($dimg))
        $imgs[] = $imgfile;//add to the array in the loop
foreach($imgs as $img){//loop through the images to output them
echo '    <url>img/' . $img . "</url>\n";
echo '  </image>


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