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Need help getting Apache to rewrite URL


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I have an winXP apache 2.2.4 webserver on my FIOS setup that listens on Port 81 (fios blocks incoming port 80).  I have a domain at Godaddy called somedomain.net.  Godaddy is setup to utilize zoneedit.com's nameservers.  zoneedit is setup to redirect any traffic to www.somedomain.net to somedomain.net:81 to simplify urls for family members (especially the home url of www.somedomain.net).  This works great, but once someone types http://www.somedomain.net into their browser, they get redirected to http://somedomain.net:81 - that is what is displayed in their url address bar.  Any further links they click on my website are addressed http://somedomain.net:81/somepath.  I am trying to figure out a way to get apache to rewrite the url info and pass the simple url (www.somedomain.net/somepath) back to the browser and all links. 

I tried this with mod_rewrite, but it gets stuck in a loop (maxRedirects does not seem to help):

RewriteEngine on

#RewriteOptions MaxRedirects=1
# For sites running on a port other than 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   somedomain\.net.* [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   !^$
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 81$
#RewriteRule ^/(.*)         http://www.somedomain.net/$1 [L,R]


from the mod_rewrite log, it appears that the match happens, and the user's browser is redirected to www.somedomain.net, which is then zoneedit/godaddy redirected to somedomain.net:81, which is then matched and redirected to www.somedomain.net.....ad naseum...


I am wondering if mod_rewrite is the right tool for this task.  I have also played with ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse without success so far.

I suspect I might have to use something in apache to rewrite a env variable like HTTP_HOST so that the browser will adjust their links for relative paths.


Anybody have any ideas?  Any help is appreciated.  thanks.



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