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Help please


I am doing a form where I want the user to select an option in a table row and if a particular option is selected a second box appears beside the first drop down box where they can type in a answer


What I have done so far is as follows


<tr><td>How did you find us?</td><td><select size="1" name="Found_by">

  <option value="Newspaper">Newspaper</option>

  <option value="Search Engine">Search Engine</option>

  <option value="Flyer">Flyer</option>

  <option value="Friend">Friend</option> 


It is the friend line that I want a second input line to show up for. I do not want a second box showing up for any of the other lines. Whatever the user inputs needs to be sent to me in an email. At this stage i can have the email showing flyer or friend etc but cannot get details of the referral


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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So what do i need to do to make the friend line show a box that comes and go based on that article?  Is someone able to help me make the changes so that it refers to my friend line?  I assume that this works within a table?



function checkProbSelect(probSelect) {

document.getElementById("otherProblemText").disabled = (probSelect.value == "Other") ? false : true;



<option value="Other" <c:if test="${status.value == 'Other'}"> selected="true"</c:if> id="otherSelect">Other</option>


<select name="${status.expression}" class="select_long" id="helpFormProblemType" onchange="checkProbSelect(this);"> 


Do i need this line that was also in the article

textarea name="otherProblemText" id="otherProblemText" class="textarea_longest_half" disabled="true">${status.value}</textarea>

I am sorry but I am reasonably new to this and have tried doing what the article says but think I am getting it wrong Friend doesnt show as an option but selected="true" id="friendSelect">Friend shows in my first drop down box.


Also the second box is there all the time and only 1 space wide. I need to make the second box wider and also have it appear only when friend is selected

This is what i have done with my coding



function checkFriendSelect(friendSelect) {

document.getElementById("friendText").disabled = (friendSelect.value == "Friend") ? false : true;






<tr><td>How did you find us?</td><td><select size="1" name="Found_by">

  <option value="Newspaper">Newspaper</option>

  <option value="Search Engine">Search Engine</option>

  <option value="Flyer">Flyer</option>

  <option value="Magazine">Magazine</option>

  <option value="Friend"<c:if test=${status.value == =='Friend'}"> selected="true" </c:if> id="friendSelect">Friend</option>


  <select name="${status.expression}"class="select_long"id=""friendText"




What is wrong with that?


Also was thinking I might need this to make my second box work

  <div class="hidden" id="Friend"> <input type="text" name="Referred_by_Friend" size="20"/></div>


Thanks really appreciate. I am trying to figure it out but struggling.


This piece also appears on my website now at the top of the table


function checkFriendSelect(friendSelect) {

document.getElementById("friendText").disabled = (friendSelect.value == "Friend") ? false : true;


As promised.  This should do the trick.


<script language="JavaScript">
function toggle(chosen)
if(chosen == 'Friend')
	document.form1.friendName.style.visibility = 'visible';
	document.form1.friendName.style.visibility = 'hidden';

function clearText(field)
if(field.defaultValue == field.value) field.value = '';
else if (field.value == '') field.value = field.defaultValue;	

<form name="form1" action="" method="post">
How did you find us?
<select name="Found_by" onchange="toggle( document.form1.Found_by.options[ document.form1.Found_by.selectedIndex ].value );" class="{validate:{required:true}}">
    <option value="">-Select One-</option>
    <option value="Newspaper">Newspaper</option>
    <option value="Search Engine">Search Engine</option>
    <option value="Flyer">Flyer</option>
    <option value="Friend">Friend</option>
<input type="text" name="friendName" value="Please enter friend's name" size="40" style="visibility:hidden" onFocus="clearText(this);" onBlur="clearText(this);" >


Let me know if this is not what you wanted.

Thanks. It looks good but the second box does not come up.


Do I put the whole lot in the middle of table or are there different areas each part should go?  I guess I should have said I have a table which has a number of questions but this one line is in the middle of the table

Here is the full extent of what I am wanting to do. When the person submits this an email is generated by what they put the in boxes for us



          <tr><td>Your Name </td><td><input type="text"  name="Name" /></td></tr>

            <tr><td>Email Address</td><td><input type="text"  name="Email" /></td></tr>                   

            <tr><td>First Time Here?</td><td><select size="1" name="First">

<option value="No">No</option>

<option value="Yes">Yes</option>


    <tr><td>How did you find us?</td><td><select size="1" name="Found_by">

<option value="Newspaper">Newspaper</option>

            <option value="Search Engine">Search Engine</option>

<option value="Flyer">Flyer</option>

<option value="Magazine">Magazine</option>

<option value="Client">Current Client</option> 

<option value="Manager">Property Manager</option> 




Or am I trying to do too much with my table and adding additional boxes dependent upon an answer

Ok, I have changed things around now and this is what I have done. Now my question is that I have the friend one working but cannot get a repeat with another question which has another question and has a second box that needs to come up. How do i achieve this.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"







<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">



function SelectCng(sel,id){








<table border="1">


  <td>Your Name </td><td><input type="text" name="Name" /></td></tr>


  <td>Email Address</td><td><input type="text" name="Email" /></td></tr>


  <td>First Time Here?</td><td><select size="1" name="First">

  <option value="No">No</option>

  <option value="Yes">Yes</option>






  How did you find us?



  <select size="1" name="Found_by" onchange="SelectCng(this,'Friend');" >

  <option value="Newspaper">Newspaper</option>

  <option value="Search Engine">Search Engine</option>

  <option value="Flyer">Flyer</option>

  <option value="Friend">Friend</option>




<tr id="Friend" style="display:none;" >


  Friends Name



  <input name="FriendName">










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