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im trying to send an email confirmation link to someone when they want to change their email address. when I include a link in the email, it does not send!


if (isset($_POST["change_email"]))
$token = $_POST["token"];

//generate unique id
$uid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE admin SET `uid` = '$uid' WHERE `password` = '$token'");
if (!$sql)
	die('Could not execute query!: ' . mysql_error());
	$email = $_POST["email"];
	//compose email parts
	$subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";
	$header = "You have changed your login email address for the control panel.";
	$message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";
	$message .= "https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/cp_info.php?token=$token&uid=$uid";

                //if $message was "http://www.google.com/" it works, or if it was "bla sldjfalkdjf" it works.
                //but it doesnt work with that url. I don't think secure connections have anything to do with it

	ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
	$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message,$header);
	if (!$sentmail)
		die('Could not send mail');
		//continue on to next page


maybe it is because the send mail function is too deep into the code, i dont know.

any ideas?

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if (isset($_POST["change_email"]))
$token = $_POST["token"];

//generate unique id
$uid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE admin SET `uid` = '$uid' WHERE `password` = '$token'");
if (!$sql)
	die('Could not execute query!: ' . mysql_error());
	$email = $_POST["email"];
	//compose email parts
	$subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";
	$header = "You have changed your login email address for the control panel.";
	$message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";
	$message .= '<a href="https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/">https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/</a>';

                //if $message was "http://www.google.com/" it works, or if it was "bla sldjfalkdjf" it works.
                //but it doesnt work with that url. I don't think secure connections have anything to do with it

	ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
	$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message,$header);
	if (!$sentmail)
		die('Could not send mail');
		//continue on to next page

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commenting that out either doesn't work, because it doesn't send it at all

if (isset($_POST["change_email"]))


$token = $_POST["token"];


//generate unique id

$uid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));

$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE admin SET `uid` = '$uid' WHERE `password` = '$token'");

if (!$sql)


die('Could not execute query!: ' . mysql_error());






$email = $_POST["email"];

//compose email parts

$subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";

$headers= "You have changed your login email address for the control panel.";

$message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";

$message .= '<a href="https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/">https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/</a>';


//ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');

$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers);

if (!$sentmail)


die('Could not send mail');




//continue on to next page




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oh! sorry here is the source for this one

if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
$email = $_POST["email"];

//gather parts
$subject = "test";
$header = "more test";
$message = "even more test\r\n";
$message .= '<a href="http//www.google.com/">Google</a>';

ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message,$header);
if (!$sentmail)
	echo "Could not send mail";
	echo "Sent mail, and the link does appear this time.<br />";
	echo $subject . "<br />" . $header . "<br />" . $message . "<br />";

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OK.  Try this:


if (isset($_POST["change_email"]))
   $token = $_POST["token"];
   //generate unique id
   $uid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
   $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE admin SET `uid` = '$uid' WHERE `password` = '$token'");
   if (!$sql)
      die('Could not execute query!: ' . mysql_error());
}//end of if(isset($_POST["change_email"]))
      $email = $_POST["email"];
      //compose email parts
      $subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";
      $headers = 'From: [email protected]';
      $message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";
      $message .= 'https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/';
      //ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
      $sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers);
      if (!$sentmail)
         die('Could not send mail');
         //continue on to next page
}//end of else

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no luck man. I also tried reducing it just down to this:

if (isset($_POST["change_email"]))

$email = $_POST["email"];
//compose email parts
$subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";
$headers = "You have changed your login email address for the control panel.";
$message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";
$message .= '<a href="https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/">https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/cp_info.php</a>';

//ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
        //doesnt work whether I have ini_set in there or not

$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers);
if (!$sentmail)
	die('Could not send mail');
	echo "all good";


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ive reduced it down further to this, and removed the outside if() condition

no success yet


$email = $_POST["email"];
//compose email parts
$subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";
$message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";
$message .= '<a href="https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/">https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/cp_info.php</a>';

ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message);
if (!$sentmail)
die('Could not send mail');
echo "all good";


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positive that $email is not empty. I think maybe something is wrong w/ the server. Because even this simple page doesnt do it.

if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
$email = $_POST["email"];
//compose email parts
$subject = "MHS WTP Control Panel";
$message = "Please confirm this change by clicking the link below:\r\n";
$message .= '<a href="https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/cp_info.php">https://mhswtpmanage.c6.ixwebhosting.com/cp_info.php</a>';

ini_set('sendmail_from','[email protected]');
$sentmail = mail($email,$subject,$message);
if (!$sentmail)
die('Could not send mail');
echo "all good" . "<br />";
<form action="test2.php" method="post">
Enter email:<br />
<input type="text" name="email" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />

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