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SQL problem


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hi, i was trying to debug some of my code and it produced the following errors:


Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/web2/submit.php on line 41


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<458 AND top_plus_height>74 AND top<170 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30' at line 1


Here is the code:


		$position_top = rand(70, 960);
		$position_left = rand(70, 1440);

		$width = 384;
		$fontsize = $width/$numberofchars;
		$height = $fontsize;

		$position_top_plus_width = $position_top+$width;
		$position_top_plus_height = $position_top+$height;

		$top_plus_height = $position_top_plus_height;
		$left_plus_width = $position_left+$width;

		$check_sql = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE left_plus_width>".$position_left." AND left<".$position_top_plus_width." AND
		top_plus_height>".$position_top." AND top<".$position_top_plus_height." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30;"; 

		$check_result = mysql_query($check_sql);
		$check_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($check_result) or die(mysql_error()); //Line 41
	while($check_num_rows != 0);


The error message seems to be referring to the following line (just in case you cannot find it above):


$check_sql = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE left_plus_width>".$position_left." AND left<".$position_top_plus_width." AND
		top_plus_height>".$position_top." AND top<".$position_top_plus_height." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30;"; 


I am kind of new to PHP, and I am not quite sure what I am doing wrong. Any help (ASAP) would be greatly appreciated.



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Thanks! I think that worked, as I am no longer seeing an error message.


HOWEVER, I am getting a blank page. This script is actually part of a form i was writing, however when i submit the form, I am getting a blank page, and the form doesn't seem to do its job.


Here is the code right now (sorry if its a bit long):


	$numberofchars = strcspn($_POST['topicname'], "");
	if($numberofchars == 0 || $numberofchars > 30)
		header("Location: ".$config_basedir."/submit.php?error=1");

		$position_top = rand(70, 960);
		$position_left = rand(70, 1440);

		$width = 384;
		$fontsize = $width/$numberofchars; 
		$height = $fontsize;

		$position_top_plus_width = $position_top+$width;
		$position_top_plus_height = $position_top+$height;

		$top_plus_height = $position_top_plus_height;
		$left_plus_width = $position_left+$width;

		$check_sql = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE left_plus_width>".$position_left." AND position_left<".$position_top_plus_width." AND
		top_plus_height>".$position_top." AND position_top<".$position_top_plus_height." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30;"; // Lets hope this ****ing works

		$check_result = mysql_query($check_sql);
		$check_num_rows = mysql_num_rows($check_result) or die(mysql_error());
	while($check_num_rows != 0);

		$colornumber = rand(1, 10);

		//choose a colour depending on the random number generated
			case 1:
				$color = "FF0000"; // Red
			case 2:
				$color = "FF9900"; // Orange
			case 3:
				$color = "FFCC00"; // Yellow
			case 4:
				$color = "33FF33"; // Light Green
			case 5:
				$color = "009900"; // Darker Green
			case 6:
				$color = "3399FF"; // Some kind of lightish blue
			case 7:
				$color = "0066CC"; // Some kind of darker blue
			case 8:
				$color = "3300CC"; // Some kind of purple
			case 9:
				$color = "CCCCCC"; // Light grey
			case 10:
				$color = "000000"; // Black

				$color = "000000"; // Just in case

		$dateposted = NOW();

		$sql = "INSERT INTO topics(name, body, author, dateposted, position_top, position_left, height, width, color, fontsize, top_plus_height, left_plus_width) VALUES('".$_POST['topicname']."', '".$_POST['body']."', '".$_POST['author']."', '".$position_left.", ".$height.", ".$width.", '".$color."', ".$fontsize.", ".$top_plus_height.", ".$left_plus_width.";";

		mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
		header("Location: ".$config_basedir."/index.php") or die(mysql_error());


I have no idea as to what I am doing wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!


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you should be getting an error message. You insert query list 12 columns and only 10 values (dateposted an position_top have no values)



$sql = "INSERT INTO topics(name, body, author, 
dateposted, position_top, 
position_left, height, width, 
color, fontsize, top_plus_height, 
VALUES('".$_POST['topicname']."', '".$_POST['body']."', '".$_POST['author']."', 
'".$position_left.", ".$height.", ".$width.", 
'".$color."', ".$fontsize.", ".$top_plus_height.", 


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Thanks, I can't believe I didn't see that! Well, I fixed the code, and I'm still getting a blank screen. Any idea why?


Just in case, here's the changed part of the code:


$sql = "INSERT INTO topics(name, body, author, dateposted, position_top, position_left, height, width, color, fontsize, top_plus_height, left_plus_width) VALUES('".$_POST['topicname']."', '".$_POST['body']."', '".$_POST['author']."', '".$dateposted."', ".$position_top.", ".$position_left.", ".$height.", ".$width.", '".$color."', ".$fontsize.", ".$top_plus_height.", ".$top_plus_width.";";



Thank you very much for your patience.

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hi, I went through my code again and realized that i was missing a bracket in my SQL statement. However, I am still getting a blank page when i submit the form, none of the information in the form gets processed, and the database does not update. I am starting to wonder if it is because there is something wrong with the way i set up the do while loop, or the switch statement, but I'm not sure.


If anyone can help me with this problem, a few tips and pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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I added those lines to the top of my script, but nothing has changed.


I forgot to mention earlier though, that I have been getting the following messages (before and after adding the 2 lines to the top of the code):


Notice: Undefined index: submit in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/web2/submit.php on line 5


Notice: Undefined index: error in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/web2/submit.php on line 117


Line 5 is " if($_POST['submit']){ //etc" and line 117 is "if($_GET['error']==1){ //etc". I ignored this because it said "Notice" instead of "error on line x", but I'm not entirely sure if this is a problem or not.


I still do not know what is wrong with my script. As always, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your patience!



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