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turning php blog title into a link?


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Ok, I am working on setting up a php blogging engine. I have got the individual posts set up so that only about 150 words are shown initially. How do I configuring the posts so that the title in a link to the full post?


I know I could do this by making each individual title unique and then assigning a sql statement that says something like select...where title = 'whatever';. But how do I do this with php so that each title of each submitted post has a link that will automatically display the full post?

how do I do this with php so that each title of each submitted post has a link that will automatically display the full post? (like the ones on the home page of PHP Freaks)


I assume this would be possible with php and mysql, but would javaScript be necessary?


Thanks in advance!

-- If you could give me a short example of code to demonstrate a solution that would be great!

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Not sure what you mean. You mean like:


"Well this is my new blogging system. It will automatically cut off wo... [READ MORE]"

If you mean like that you can use substr on the front page and then just make a page something like:

$_return=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = '".$_readid."' LIMIT 1");

"Well this is my new blogging system. It will automatically cut off wo... <a href='readme.php?id=1'>[READ MORE]</a>"


Keep in mind there is no security on that, so you will want to add some.


EDIT: This forum turns < /a> into [ /url] =\

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Yes, that is exactly what i am trying to accomplish. I understand what you are saying, except how would I assign the id?


I am assuming that would just be a temporary id assigned to each post, but that would not be something pulled from the database correct?


Could you elaborate on how I would assign one of these ids to each post and then have it assigned to the Read More link?



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Sorry, I just say you connect to the database for that...


Basically, I do not know how to tell the link (when I click on it) what post to select? - via an id or whatever.


Would I use the $_GET for this purpose. If so, how?


Right now I am using get and it is returning nothing?


Thanks again!

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