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PHP output different than the HTML source displayed?


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Hi all,

I am completely stumped by this and am desperately hoping someone can help.


Here's the story:

1) Go to http://www.generationgreenthebook.com in Firefox.  Note that there is a picture on the page of two cheery people.

2) Go to the same page in IE (6 or 7).  Note that the people are missing.

3) Take this here file that I uploaded with this message, and trust me that it is just the source of that very HTML page. (With paths edited so that they aren't relative and instead point to the live server.)

4) Rename it to .html so that you can open it in a browser.

5) Open the HTML file in IE and voila! the people are there.


Normally, any sort of rendering/layout thing is a CSS or HTML issue.  But in this case, the bug only exists when the page is being actively processed -- saving the output of said processing and opening it again looks perfect.  The same thing happens on the live server and my local server (and they have pretty different setups).


Thoughts?  Ideas?  Have I missed some non-PHP thing that is totally obvious? I have been investigating this for days and I am at a total loss.





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