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Basic Syntax Errors


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Where is the code?



The first part where I am just forwarding the info from the HTML form was just a learning experience.. I can probably get rid of that later. I need to read in the data from my HTML form --> Send to PHP file to be validated. If Validated, given a score.

Once score is determined.. Store the information in a database, then analyze for the user to see where they lost points.


Right now I am at the validation stage. I need to read the values into variables.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

echo Impact of Training Form:

Name: <?php echo$_POST["CompanyName"]; ?>.<br />
Industry Type: <?php echo$_POST["IndustryType"]; ?>.<br />
Company Size: <?php echo$_POST["CompanySize"]; ?>.<br />
ClassRoom Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomTraining"]; ?>.<br />
ClassRoom Options
Orientation: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomOrientation"]; ?>.<br />
Managerial or Supervisory Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Apprenticeship Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomApprenticeshipTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Computer Hardware Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomComputerHardware"]; ?>.<br />
Computer Software Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomComputerSoftware"]; ?>.<br />
Other office and non office equipment: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomOtherOffice"]; ?>.<br />
Classroom Decision and Problem Solving: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomGroupDecisionMaking"]; ?>.<br />
Classroom Team Building: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomTeamBuilding"]; ?>.<br />
Classroom Literacy or Numeracy: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomLiteracyOrNumeracy"]; ?>.<br />
Total Training Expenditure: <?php echo$_POST["TotalTrainingExpenditure"]; ?>.<br />
Trainers Salary: <?php echo$_POST["TrainersSalary"]; ?>.<br />
Trainees Salary: <?php echo$_POST["TraineesSalary"]; ?>.<br />
Vendor Contracts: <?php echo$_POST["ContractsToVendors"]; ?>.<br />
Direct Tuition: <?php echo$_POST["DirectTuition"]; ?>.<br />
Training Materials: <?php echo$_POST["TrainingMaterials"]; ?>.<br />
Travel or Living expenses: <?php echo$_POST["TravelOrLivingCosts"]; ?>.<br />
Overhead: <?php echo$_POST["Overhead"]; ?>.<br />
Other: <?php echo$_POST["Other"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Orientation: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceOrientation"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Managerial or Supervisory: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Apprenticeship Training: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceApprenticeshipTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Computer Hardware: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceComputerHardware"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Computer Software: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceComputerSoftware"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Other Office: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceOtherOffice"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Group Decision Making: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceGroupDecisionMaking"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Team Building: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceTeamBuilding"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Literacy and Numeracy: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceLiteracyOrNumeracy"]; ?>.<br />
Total Amount of Employees: <?php echo$_POST["TotalAmountEmployees"]; ?>.<br />

if( isset( $_POST['process_form'] ) )
   $CompanyName = $_GET['CompanyName'];
   $IndustryType = $_GET['IndustryType'];
   $CompanySize = $_GET['CompanySize'];
   $ClassRoomTraining = $_GET['ClassRoomTraining'];
   $ClassRoomOrientation = $_GET['ClassRoomOrientation'];
   $ClassRoomManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining = $_GET['ClassRoomManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining'];
   $ClassRoomApprenticeshipTraining = $_GET['ClassRoomApprenticeshipTraining'];
   $ClassroomComputerHardware = $_GET['ClassRoomComputerHardware'];
   $ClassroomComputerSoftware = $_GET['ClassRoomComputerSoftware'];
   $ClassroomOtherOffice = $_GET['ClassRoomotherOffice'];
   $ClassroomGroupDecisionMaking = $_GET['ClassRoomGroupDecisionMaking'];
   $ClassroomTeamBuilding = $_GET['ClassRoomTeamBuilding'];
   $ClassroomLiteracyOrNumeracy = $_GET['ClassRoomLiteracyOrNumeracy'];
   $TotalTrainingExpenditure = $_GET['TotalTrainingExpenditure'];
   $TrainersSalary =$_GET['TrainersSalary'];
   /// Finished Here

echo Companyname;


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Well this is wrong

echo Impact of Training Form:

it should be

echo 'Impact of Training Form:';


All strings must be within quotes.


OK. What about the first block of code where I am POSTing values. Do they all need ' ; ' at the end of each line?

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and change this:




to this:




Thank you!


Should I use put







Only once in the page? Or Should I use it multiple times for different blocks?



I am familiar with C++ and VB.NET.

First time doing web scripts.


I know what strings are :) just unfamiliar with the language.


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Damnit.. I broke it again.

Here's the code


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

echo 'Impact of Training Form:';


Name: <?php echo$_POST["CompanyName"]; ?>.<br />
Industry Type: <?php echo$_POST["IndustryType"]; ?>.<br />
Company Size: <?php echo$_POST["CompanySize"]; ?>.<br />
ClassRoom Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomTraining"]; ?>.<br />
ClassRoom Options
Orientation: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomOrientation"]; ?>.<br />
Managerial or Supervisory Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Apprenticeship Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomApprenticeshipTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Computer Hardware Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomComputerHardware"]; ?>.<br />
Computer Software Training: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomComputerSoftware"]; ?>.<br />
Other office and non office equipment: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomOtherOffice"]; ?>.<br />
Classroom Decision and Problem Solving: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomGroupDecisionMaking"]; ?>.<br />
Classroom Team Building: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomTeamBuilding"]; ?>.<br />
Classroom Literacy or Numeracy: <?php echo$_POST["ClassRoomLiteracyOrNumeracy"]; ?>.<br />
Total Training Expenditure: <?php echo$_POST["TotalTrainingExpenditure"]; ?>.<br />
Trainers Salary: <?php echo$_POST["TrainersSalary"]; ?>.<br />
Trainees Salary: <?php echo$_POST["TraineesSalary"]; ?>.<br />
Vendor Contracts: <?php echo$_POST["ContractsToVendors"]; ?>.<br />
Direct Tuition: <?php echo$_POST["DirectTuition"]; ?>.<br />
Training Materials: <?php echo$_POST["TrainingMaterials"]; ?>.<br />
Travel or Living expenses: <?php echo$_POST["TravelOrLivingCosts"]; ?>.<br />
Overhead: <?php echo$_POST["Overhead"]; ?>.<br />
Other: <?php echo$_POST["Other"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Orientation: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceOrientation"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Managerial or Supervisory: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Apprenticeship Training: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceApprenticeshipTraining"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Computer Hardware: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceComputerHardware"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Computer Software: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceComputerSoftware"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Other Office: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceOtherOffice"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Group Decision Making: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceGroupDecisionMaking"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Team Building: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceTeamBuilding"]; ?>.<br />
Work Place Literacy and Numeracy: <?php echo$_POST["WorkPlaceLiteracyOrNumeracy"]; ?>.<br />
Total Amount of Employees: <?php echo$_POST["TotalAmountEmployees"]; ?>.<br />

if( isset( $_POST['process_form'] ) )
   $CompanyName = $_GET['CompanyName'];
   $IndustryType = $_GET['IndustryType'];
   $CompanySize = $_GET['CompanySize'];
   $ClassRoomTraining = $_GET['ClassRoomTraining'];
   $ClassRoomOrientation = $_GET['ClassRoomOrientation'];
   $ClassRoomManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining = $_GET['ClassRoomManagerialOrSupervisoryTraining'];
   $ClassRoomApprenticeshipTraining = $_GET['ClassRoomApprenticeshipTraining'];
   $ClassroomComputerHardware = $_GET['ClassRoomComputerHardware'];
   $ClassroomComputerSoftware = $_GET['ClassRoomComputerSoftware'];
   $ClassroomOtherOffice = $_GET['ClassRoomotherOffice'];
   $ClassroomGroupDecisionMaking = $_GET['ClassRoomGroupDecisionMaking'];
   $ClassroomTeamBuilding = $_GET['ClassRoomTeamBuilding'];
   $ClassroomLiteracyOrNumeracy = $_GET['ClassRoomLiteracyOrNumeracy'];
   $TotalTrainingExpenditure = $_GET['TotalTrainingExpenditure'];
   $TrainersSalary =$_GET['TrainersSalary'];
   /// Finished Here
echo CompanyName; // TEST TO SEE IF IT WORKS


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Is companyName a variable? If so variables should always start with a dollar sign, eg


echo $CompanyName;


Again I urge you to read the basics. Getting to know the basics will help you much more than having to keep asking us.



Yes that is a variable name. I am testing to see if the IF statement has stored the variable.

I learn much better this way, i've gone through the W3Schools stuff but making mistakes and learning from them helps me the most I think.

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