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I dont know how to go about this 


i have a form that i want to retrieve data, i mean some of the textfields.


on the top frame, i would i have 1 textfield



and a retrieve button


user will insert the id of the data and click on the retrieve button to retrieve the data on the bottom frame.



on the botton frame, i would 5 textfields. 3 are readonly from database after retrival and 2 others are not readonly, data would be inserted into those



Name (readonly)

Age (readonly)





then a button in the bottom to submit all into the database...


i tot of this and this is the solution to a small form i am creating, but i dont know how to create the script...


Please anyone that can help me write this one script, or if you have a better solution to this, i would be very grateful

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Please i need help on this, i am new with php, please can anyone help me with the code to this scenario...


I will appreciate


this is the case scenario of what i want to achieve


the first textfield would accept the id

and the user would click on the search button,


and a form with 3 textfields is generated with the result of the search in the textfields,


that is textfield 1 would display the id

textfield 2 would display the name

textfield 3 would display the age


and then i can now click on a submit button to take the data into another table in that database



have you seen a script like what i descibe


if you can help me out with this i would appreicate

Im afraid I cannot write the script for this at the minute as I am at work and will not have the time.


I would suggest that you do a google search on handling forms with php and look at how you can retrieve information from your HTML forms. It's quite straight forward.


Also if you have not got the database aspect sorted, I would recommend looking at a brief php/mysql tutorial.


It is all well and good someone giving you the script, but it is better for you to understand it, especially if something goes wrong in the future.

Ok what I need to know is are you working with sessions or just data.I'm not real sure what you are doing. If you just want to update a data base with 2 fields I can show you somewhat of how the form would look.


<form action="your_script_here.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="id">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="text" name="age">
<input type="submit"  value="Update">

From there how to get the value from the database to be editable in their respect fields is a little beyond me. I'm not sure you would want to update the id field as more than likely its unique and should not be changed, at least to my thinking.

here might be the syntax for replacing the name and age. Something like this:

name = replace(name,'name_in_db','name_from_form')
age = replace(age,'age_from_db','age_from_form')

This is where I would start personally.

Hope that helps solve the problem a little??

Sorry for the double post but here is some code I just came up with. Hope is helps

$uname = $_SESSION['uname'];

// Post Variables
$post_name = $_POST['name'];
$post_age = $_POST['age'];

// Connect to Db (I use an include for that)

// Select the right id or username ($tbl_name comes from config)
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE uname='$uname'";

// Put info into array

// give db info a name
$db_name = $row['name'];
$db_age = $row['age'];

//Update the db
$sql="UPDATE $tbl_name SET 
	        name = replace(name,'$db_name','$post_name'),
	        age = replace(age,'$db_age','$post_age')
	        WHERE uname='$uname'";
	mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()."<p>$sql</p>");
// A lot of this is just copy and paste as I basically use same code just different info
// You might want to close db (I usually dont, I think its closed after session is destroyed)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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