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I admit this isn't really just a PHP problem, but it does have PHP elements to it.  Here is my problem.


I have an SQL statement that works and will submit data to the MYSQL table, BUT MySQL gives an error message.  Any ideas?


Here is the error statement:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'files/1/KATY.csv', user_f_rows = '42' WHERE user_f_id = '1' ] ')' at line 1


the sql statement print out is:


SQL is [[[ UPDATE tbl_users_files SET user_f_name = 'files/1/KATY.csv', user_f_rows = '42' WHERE user_f_id = '1' ]]]



This error happens reguardless if i am overwiting an exisiting file or not.  It does add the new record to the DB with all of the right information.


here is the code:


else {
								$objrs_support = mysqli_query($objconn_support, $sql);
								if ($objrs_support) {
										$number_of_rows = mysqli_num_rows($objrs_support);
										if ($number_of_rows == 0) {
												// There are no records, so this is a new entry
												$sql2 = "INSERT INTO tbl_users_files (user_f_name,user_f_rows, user_f_parent_id) VALUES ( '".$target_path."', '".$rowcounter."', '".$tmp_userid."' )";
										while ($objfields = mysqli_fetch_array($objrs_support, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
												$tmp_user_f_id = $objfields['user_f_id'];
												$sql2 = "UPDATE tbl_users_files SET user_f_name = '".$target_path."', user_f_rows = '".$rowcounter."' WHERE user_f_id = '".$tmp_user_f_id."' ";
												echo "SQL is [[[ ".$sql2." ]]]";
						//echo $sql2;
						$mysqli = mysqli_connect("-", "-", "-", "-");				
						if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
								// there was an error trying to connect to the mysql database
								printf("connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
							else {
								$objrs = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql2) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
								//printf("Last inserted record has id %d\n", LAST_INSERT_ID());
								//echo mysql_insert_id($mysqli);
						$function = "Uploaded a new User CSV file with SQL Statement [ ".$sql2." ] ";


Please pardone the code, im not a great programmer, just a programmer.

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strange.  does the query work if you run it from console or PMA or whatever administration tool you have installed?  also, does it work if you drop the user_f_name from that (ie. just update the user_f_rows)?


The SQL works without error when entereted into PHPMyAdmin. If the user uploads a file with a different name i need to save the name of the file, so I dont see how removing the name will benefit me.


Tried it again this morning and I get the same error.

i was suggesting that not as a final solution, but just to check whether it's that specific parameter that's causing the error.


as far as i can tell, there's no error - could just be a mysqli extension issue; how does it do if you switch to regular mysql_query()?  (obviously you'll need to change the connection functions).

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