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I have a php Jax Calendar running on my website ( http://rysa.bc.ca/testingA/testingF/content/calendarAndEvents/upcomingEvents/upcomingEvents.php ) that is not working properly.


My first issue is that I recieve an error saying that failed to open a stream, and some sort of fatal error. I have tried to fix this by allowing the files permission to write but that had no effect. I also made sure that the php files are in the correct directory.


My second issue involves the calendar not displaying properly. It seems that the browser has some issues locating my CSS and Images. I have tried setting an absolute path for the location to my CSS and Image file, but it did not work. The code to the file controlling the location of the CSS and Imge file is:


<?php //global settings for Jax Calendar v1.34

// Global variables (have to be fitted) :

// Title and Data Source
$calendars[0]->title          = "Community Calendar";
$calendars[0]->data_source    = "csvfile";

// CSS template for the Calendar
$calendars[0]->css            = "/testingA/testingF/core/css/default.css";

$calendars[0]->calendar_file  = "mycalendar";
$calendars[0]->event_file     = "myevents";

$calendars[0]->db_server      = "";
$calendars[0]->db_login       = "";
$calendars[0]->db_database    = "";
$calendars[0]->db_database    = "jax_calendar";
$calendars[0]->db_password    = "";

$calendars[0]->status_image_dir = "../../../core/images/status_pics";

// Title and Data Source
$calendars[1]->title          = "Jax Calendar 2nd";
$calendars[1]->data_source    = "csvfile";

// CSS template for the Calendar
$calendars[1]->css            = "../../../core/css/default.css";

$calendars[1]->calendar_file  = "mycalendar2";
$calendars[1]->event_file     = "myevents2";

$calendars[1]->db_server      = "";
$calendars[1]->db_login       = "";
$calendars[1]->db_database    = "";
$calendars[1]->db_database    = "jax_calendar";
$calendars[1]->db_password    = "";

$calendars[1]->status_image_dir = "../../../core/images/status_pics";

// if no calendar id is given in URI, take default (0)
if ( empty( $_GET["cal_id"] ) ) { $cal_id = 0; } else { $cal_id = $_GET["cal_id"]; }

$title            = $calendars[$cal_id]->title;
$data_source      = $calendars[$cal_id]->data_source;
$calendar_file    = $calendars[$cal_id]->calendar_file;
$event_file       = $calendars[$cal_id]->event_file;
$db_server        = $calendars[$cal_id]->db_server;
$db_login         = $calendars[$cal_id]->db_login;
$db_database      = $calendars[$cal_id]->db_database;
$db_password      = $calendars[$cal_id]->db_password;
$css_file         = $calendars[$cal_id]->css;
$status_img_dir   = $calendars[$cal_id]->status_image_dir;

// Language localization
$default_language = strtolower( "english" );

// choose browser language for default
$language_auto_select = true;

// language localization
if ( empty( $_GET[ "language" ] ) && $language_auto_select )
               echo "\n".'<script language="JavaScript" type="Text/JavaScript" src="'."{$base_url

               $language = $default_language;
               $language = strtolower( $_GET[ "language" ] );


// show today_button in calendar
$cal_today_selector = true;

// emphasize days with events!
$cal_show_reserved  = true;

// use js for month/year quick selection (in calendar control)
$use_quick_selectors = true;

$calendar_open_url    = "/testingA/testingF/content/calendarAndEvents/upcomingEvents/upcomingEvents.php";
$calendar_open_target = "";


$view_cal_select      = true;
$view_default         = "m12";    // d1 , d30 , m12


// num of lines each page in calendar admin frontend
$admin_page_break = 12;



As you can see, on line 10 I have tried to set an absolute path but it did not seem to work: $calendars[0]->css= "/testingA/testingF/core/css/default.css";. However, on line 86 I have set an absolute value path and it did work: $calendar_open_url= "/testingA/testingF/content/calendarAndEvents/upcomingEvents/upcomingEvents.php";. What is happening?


Additional coding for my calendar can be found in the directory: http://www.rysa.bc.ca/testingA/testingF/core/

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