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Immediate Help Needed: Variable path in include() wanted


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I hope I explain this correctly:


For PHP 4.0



PRIMER:  I have includes throughout my site.  The function of my includes is to pull in content from '/bodyCopy' into construct pages (i.e., public pages).  The actual content files are named differently though they all sit in the same '/bodyCopy directory' (e.g., aboutus.php, faq.php, etc.).


Simple enough.



CHALLENGE:  As I create new sub-domains, I need to change the 'http' path UP UNTIL the '/bodyCopy' directory.  For example:


<?php include('http://subdomain.mywebsite.com/bodyCopy/filename.php') ?>


Whereas '/bodyCopy/filename.php' will always remain constant (though actual file names will be different), I need to be able to manually change 'http://subdomain.mywebsite.com' from a single 'control' file so that changes to the 'http' path cascade to all directories where my includes exist within the sub-domain.


In other words, because I have hundreds of these includes per sub-domain, I need a way to change all 'http' paths of them, UP UNTIL THE '/bodyCopy' directory, at one time.  I want to create ONE simple text file PER SUB-DOMAIN that contains nothing more than the 'http' path.  When changes are made to THAT file, the 'http' path change cascades throughout the sub-domain site.



SOLUTION NEEDED:  So, the construct of the include should look like this:


<?php include('text_file_containing_the_http_path+/bodyCopy/filename.php') ?>


To the browser, the include should look like:


<?php include('http://subdomain.mywebsite.com/bodyCopy/filename.php') ?>



Then, there should be a separate text file (.txt or .php) that contains the actual 'http' path (i.e., text_file_containing_the_http_path).  The contents of that file will simply be something like 'http://www.anydomain.com' and nothing else.



Now, I've probably "over-explained" my need here, but I've asked this question on other message boards and always gotten non-working solutions.  This seems like a very simple problem, but I can't seem to find it.  Immediate help is greatly appreciated.



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ohya... WAY over explained lol...


1) php is only EVER processed on the server... it never touches the browser in "any" way shape or form :P

2) the include() functions are always relative, unless otherwise specified... lol

<?php include('bodyCopy/filename.php') ?>

should work just fine...

3) if you want to use php variables inside a include()


would move the file search into the test/ directory




hope that helps some?


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Kewl.  Thanks.  I know that was WAY too simple for most of you, but it certainly helps.  I appreciate it.


I also received some online help from my Webhost who said use:  'fopen' instead of 'include'.


All you PHP guys and gals rock!  Keep on coding!

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